Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Wistful Wednesday: May Day Report

I have celebrated May Day since 1953….so that means that this is my 65th May Day.

May day 1954

This is a photo from May Day 1954 when I was 2 years and 8 months old.  My May Baskets are lined up on the snowy hood of my parents car.

The tradition as I know it:  You decorate baskets fill them with candy and you take them to neighbors and friends.  You go up to a door and hang the basket on the door knob, knock and then run, because someone will chase you and try to kiss you.  I am old, I will settle for a hug…because I am not running away.  Growing up we decorated small baskets to take to neighbor kids and elderly neighbors…it was something fun to do after a long winter.

So the tradition continues.  I made some deliveries and took some photos. My Great Nieces and Nephews







Kelly was asleep and Hailey was getting ready for a game after school.

Anna and Mason

Mason and Anna…these two live next door and are growing like weeds!!

I still have three baskets for Teddy, Harlow and Vivian hopefully I will see them soon.

I stopped by my parents.


Mom and Dad May 1 2018

I stopped by a few other places…some favorite people I don’t see often enough.

After supper we delivered a few more baskets and some dog treats for Odda and Putz.

In my opinion May Day is a fun holiday…something as simple as a cute little basket with a bit of candy makes people young and old smile! 

I hope you all had a wonderful May Day!  If you made a May Basket or got one perhaps you could share the story in a comment.

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  1. It really is a lovely tradition.

  2. I am sorry to say I didn't make one or get one, but I did buy all the garden starts that I'll be planting in my flower and vegetable garden. I guess I could call that a May Day tradition. One year I did make baskets and hung them on my neighbor's doorknobs. I never heard or saw anything about them again. They were filled with chocolate candy and flowers. :-)

  3. Happy belated May Day! :)
    Hope you are feeling lots better.

  4. What a great tradition. I only recall dancing around the maypole and decorating it with ribbons as a child.

  5. You are the only person I know wh carries on this tradition, but I love it that you do! Thanks for sharing your love filled day with us.

  6. ❤️ all the smiles! The baskets you give (especially to the young) will inspire them to do something similar in the future, and the tradition will continue.

  7. Mayday must make you feel like Santa Claus!

  8. I have no idea what May Day is but glad yours was a good one anyway

  9. I remember taking May baskets to a widow across the street from my childhood home, but I think my sister and I only did it one year. I like the idea.

    We were at Lake Erie on May first this year. We saw a lot of the early warblers headed north...Blackburnians, Black-throated greens, Magnolias, Cape Mays... still a lot more to come to Lake Erie (Magee Marsh). We'll go back later this month and look at different ones who will have arrived by then.

  10. diane in northern wisMay 2, 2018 at 7:46 PM

    Oh gosh, I used to love to pass out May Baskets when I was a kid...and we continued that tradition with our own girls....but now it seems to have been forgotten. Every year I think I'll make some May Baskets, but never seem to get around to it. Hopefully I'll be inspired next year. Love your pics of those who were lucky to get your May BAskets. Your parents are really cute!

  11. How fortunate you are to have your parents living close enough so you can deliver a May basket ( or any other treat on any other day).
    Cute that you delivered some treats for dogs too.

  12. I thought of you on May Day! You are the best cheerleader for the May baskets tradition I know.

  13. I hope you had a great May Day! Did you get any baskets?

  14. I've always heard of May Day but never made baskets. I love your tradition! It is a great way to show appreciation for others and bring some smiles at the same time. Your Mother must have started the tradition with you. You've kept the tradition alive and that makes it extra special!


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