Thursday, May 17, 2018

Hummer and a Bluebird

We have two Humming Birds as far as I can tell.  I still have the little feeder out, I will replace it with the larger feeder soon.

Can you see the Hummer in this photo?


Resting on a branch, making sure the coast is clear.

Hummer at the feeder

At the feeder


Bluebird passing through I hope he stays. Not a great photo I took it out the kitchen window.

Chance and I sit outside after supper, there are just a few bees and no skeeters yet.

Far Guy had a crawling wood tick and we heard the first Loon May 16 2018.

Only two Doctors appointments this past week, I have an infection in my eye and it is much better after antibiotic drops.  Far Guy has been woodcarving outside just about every day the weather has been fantastic.

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  1. Such little guys that add so much color to life. Enjoy!

  2. I love the Hummingbirds. I have two feeders out for them. So far I've only seen the females. Isn't it nice being able to sit outside again?

  3. The weather has turned nice and ... I hope the bluebirds stay! I do love seeing them. They passed through here during the snowstorm we had in April. However, I am happy over the Orioles that have stayed and are building nests.

  4. What a sweet picture of the hummer feeding. Sorry about your eye. If it's not one thing, it's another. :-(

  5. I have my hummingbird feeder up at the lake and have been enjoying watching them flit around too. We never and I mean never, have mosquitoes here in the mountains. This year they are terrible. I think it’s all the moisture and flooding that we have going on. I hope your eye is better very soon. I will be praying for you.

  6. Great pictures! You sure have the patience to capture the picture at the right moment.

  7. Bluebirds are elusive. I hope he decides to stay at the Far Side B&B.

  8. Those bluebirds - last year swooped in for a moment and didn't stay and this year it appears they may have done the same. I even bought them some new accommodations to go with the old.

  9. I wish we had bluebirds. They flew through in March on their way to cooler places.

  10. I'd love to know more about your carving. I saw the gift you sent Nancy. Do you have a book you'd recommend? I love to get my husband carving. He enjoys woodworking, but tiny carving would be really fun and make great gifts....

    1. Hi kathy b, Woodcarving Illustrated is a great Magazine for all carvers. Do a Google search for Bark Carvings. There is a fellow from Crookston Minnesota that has written a number of books. Here is a link to a good book.

  11. Sorry about your eye! Great to see the hummers. :)

  12. Great photo of the Hummer, thank you.

  13. You are staying busy, we had bluebirds pass by on their
    way to see you. Thanks for the name of yellow flowers.

  14. I hope your eye improves quickly. My allergies give my eyes fits. I sure love to watch the hummingbirds. We have a feeder set up so our indoor cats can see them and they love it too. The birds will fly right up to the window and hover in front of the cats like they are studying them.

  15. What a fun photo of the hummer resting on a branch! Don't get to see that too often. I haven't seen a hummer yet, but someone or something gor grape jelly from my neighbor's feeder on my patio railing. It was a rather biggish plop of jelly, too... in two places. I have no idea how that happened. Glad you haven't seen skeeters yet. I have a bunch of bites just above my ankles. Didn't see any bugs, but I do have the evidence. Sorry to read about your eye infection.

    1. gram, So good to see your comment...I have missed you! :)

  16. Just the thought of wood ticks makes me cringe.
    Nice photo of the Hummingbird. We still haven't seen any in spite of the red Honeysuckle being in bloom. Normally they are quick to notice that.

  17. I love it that you are all outside enjoying nature now.


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