Friday, May 11, 2018

For the birds

The Pine Siskins arrived, they love the Niger Thistle Seed.  They fight each other for space at the feeders…some are real cranky.

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskins may or may not have a touch of yellow on their wings and at the base of their tail.

A traveling Rose Breasted Grosbeak stopped by for a snack…I did not see his mate…perhaps he is a bachelor.

Rose Breasted Grosbeak

Rose Breasted Grosbeak

We heard neighbors have Orioles so we put out the grape jelly/orange feeder for them.


This feeder has bowls that hold grape jelly and screws that hold oranges.  My Dad made me this feeder a number of years ago…I painted it bright orange.

I made Hummingbird Juice and will put that feeder out soon.

Dad and I went to Bingo last night…he got to holler BINGO once in the first game of the evening after that we were both silent.  The Blackout/Coverall pot went to a really lucky gal. If we couldn’t win I was glad she did.

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  1. I used to love the bird feeder I had set up, even though it was mostly House Sparrows who came to visit. Can't have one here though, because of the Seagulls. Some people risk it, but those are usually people with good sized gardens who live a bit further from the beach than we do.

  2. So nice to see your bird pictures especially since you know what they are! LOL!

  3. I too have been seeing more and more birds. So happy to have all my little feathered friends return. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. We usually have orioles that stop and build nests here every year. We are so lucky! Last year they had their nest not far from our porch so we could enjoy them fairly close up.

  5. So lucky to see the Rosebreasted Grosbeak. They are back here, too, but I haven't seen one yet.

  6. I bet your trees are full of singing and happy birds!

  7. You have pretty birds too - yeah! The orioles have stuck around here more than one day - and the hummingbird feeder went out this morning.

  8. I saw a pine siskin at my sock feeder this morning. I don’t see them often but they are so small compared to the finches. Orioles are all so scarce here to except in the timber.

  9. This year we had orioles for the first time. They were at the hummingbird feeder so I am going to try putting oranges and grape jelly out for them. The little guys must really have a sweet tooth! I love the feeder your dad made for them.

  10. I have no clue what all the tiny birds are who come to eat. They are different sizes and markings, but I just call them all sparrows. Thanks to you I think I know I had juncos come through. :)

  11. I like your feeders and the one your dad made is really neat. I've never seen an oriole. Wish we had them here.

  12. I need to put out the hummingbird feeders also. You sure do have an array of birds.

  13. You've got lots of bird action there. I saw my first chipping sparrow today.

  14. You have a lot of different birds compared to us. Our hummingbird feeder has been out all winter, and had more action then than it is getting now. Rarely see one at it now. Is your hummingbird juice more than sugar and water, calling it juice made me think it was something different.?

    1. Nope just 4 cups water and 1 cup of sugar and bring it to a boil. I think that is the same recipe for simple syrup:):)

  15. We only have Pine Siskins in winter and even then only some years. Sort of hit and miss. I hope the Orioles find your feeder soon. The Rose breasted Grosbeak is lovely!

  16. Interesting bird visitors, and colorful feeders!


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