Tuesday, April 19, 2016


I saw and captured my first photo of a Butterfly this spring.

Eastern Comma Butterfly

I believe this is an Eastern Comma Butterfly. I didn’t take Entomology in College, I took Soils that semester. I helped some of my friends collect bugs but that is all.

I am still waiting for the first Robin in our yard.  “She Who Sees Robins First” ( my sister in law) had one in her yard on Saturday.  There were twenty or so Robins at Josh and Missys all last week…they are at the end of our driveway but do you suppose we have any in our yard…no.  Our neighbors must have real tasty bugs in their lawns.

I am patient, sooner or later they will be in our yard…I bet if I started up the lawn mower they would magically appear.

Back to the Butterfly, I think they overwinter and hatch out in early spring… this one seemed sleepy and slow…hence the photograph!


It is fun to see something emerge from a winter’s nap.

Far Guy thought he heard a Loon down on the lake.  I sat outside for a long time one evening and didn’t hear a thing but a siren drawing near and then receeding far away.

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  1. What s wonderful sign of spring! Isn't it amazing something so fragile could survive a Minnesota winter? I hope there are a few things in bloom so the little guy has something to eat.

  2. You real did a great job in capturing the butterfly. It sure is pretty. I'll send some of our Robins your way if you needle to. I have plenty to share. Lawn mowing has started around here - mine sure need to be done, I just don't have the ambition.

  3. Nice pictures! I have to tell you that your post about spring cleaning has awakened something in me. I pushed aside the dust bunnies on my dresser and looked at the mess in the drawers. Time to spring clean! :-)

  4. Beautiful butterfly and better yet, a sure sign of Spring.

  5. We've had a warm dry spring so many different butterflies are around. However, I can't identify any butterflies.

  6. That must mean warmer weather for you.Now for some warm sunshine.

  7. Love the call of the loon. I hope they have returned to your lakes.

    I've seen several robins, but I'm sure they over wintered here. Yesterday, one was busily gathering items for a new nest. Light snow this morning, so I doubt I'll find any butterflies.

  8. I never used to see robins at my old place. Swallows returned year after year. But this year I was a robin several days ago! Silly to get so excited over it, but I was. :)

  9. No Robin yet but I did see and feel my first mosquito!!!

  10. SPRING is coming for you! Hip Hip Hooray!


  11. Beautiful butterfly. I'll bet it was nice to see after such a long winter.

  12. It is a nice butterfly. I saw the fluttering of something recently but I think was a moth. We have comma butterflies but I don't remember having them ever in the past.

  13. I have seen butterflies flitting about lately, but that is to be expected since we are so far into spring already. Robin songs fill the air in the mornings and evenings. These sightings are so much more meaningful for you in the land where winter lingers.

  14. One of my very favorite sounds is that of the loon calling. When I used to go to Canada and be so remote there wasn't anyone for miles but the lake and the loons...I loved it. Now, if I want to hear them I listen to a tape but it's not quite the same. They always put it to music but I just want to listen to nature...no music...nature Is the music! Great picture of the butterfly.

  15. I've been seeing lots of Cabbage butterflies but nothing pretty and colourful so far. I have a number of Butterfly bushes. You'd think I'd have butterflies too but not often. We all go crazy when one of us does spot one which usually is a Painted Lady.

  16. What a vibrant contrast between the wings and the background. Lovely photo. You captured a good one for your first of the season!

  17. I love the butterfly! We've been seeing a lot of butterflies.


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