Sunday, December 21, 2014

Caramel Rolls and other sweet things

We had a nice day yesterday for our anniversary.  Quiet.  Far Guy took to baking his Christmas Caramel Rolls…I went into the kitchen several times to do dishes and help out when needed.  He is very particular about his caramel…it has to be done just right and by golly it better turn out okay…not sugary and not hard as a board.  He stirs and stirs until it is just perfect.   Not sure about all his dashes of this and that but it seems to work for him.  He made two pans of caramel rolls.

Caramel Rolls

We got a few new ornaments this year.

Cookie Exchange ornament

This is the ornament from the cookie exchange.  Daughter Jen purchased it…everyone brings an ornament and it is unwrapped and then we commence the tossing of the dice for doubles.  If you roll doubles you get to swap for a different ornament if you want to swap…if not you can keep what you have.  Someone sets a timer for an undisclosed amount of time.  Fun.  I am certain that Jen chose this ornament because of it’s “Hawaii colors”…if she ever runs away from home…I think I know where to look.

Hopefully the grands will devour some of the cookies…if not the people at woodcarving seem to like cookies and never complain when I bring them.  I have 12 dozen cookies in the freezer….uffda.  One of the gals makes Almond Bread…you have not lived until you have tasted that!

Ornament from Sue

This beautiful ornament arrived in the mail.  It is from our friend Sue in Indiana.  She said it would remind us of her Joe and yes it does!

My parents took us out for supper last night, to our favorite place in the boonies…steak and salad…our favorite foods!  We visited with a few of our neighbors…always fun when a number of people remember your anniversary.   Marge called early in the morning…she is Far Guy’s God Mother and she never forgets our anniversary or his birthday.  My other baby brother came by with a card and a big hug.  It was a good day.

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  1. Sounds like a very nice anniversary. I love your new ornaments. The caramel rolls look very tasty!

  2. I love the horse ornament -- and the memories it brings for you. One of the greatest blessings of our age I think, the years and years of memories to savor. And Far Guy's caramel rolls, well, they do look PERFECT.

  3. Wow, those rolls do look wonderful. Glad I'm nowhere near them. And that is a beautiful ornament. So glad you had such a good day for your anniversary! :-)

  4. That sounds like a wonderful get-together.
    And congratulations on your 45th! We celebrated ours in November.

  5. Mmmm yummy! Janice and I exchange ornaments every year, it is a fun thing to do. Love the horse one of course!

  6. Far Guy's rolls are gorgeous and I wish I could be there to have one. Jen's ornament so beautiful. How is Her Honor the Mayor doing at that new public job?

    Shirley H.

  7. Come On!!!!! Far Guy baked those yummy looking rolls, my mouth is watering. Sweet ornaments, Winter Blessings Francine.

  8. Those caramel rolls look delicious! I always make them for my family on Christmas Day. Love the ornaments you've shared!

  9. Oh Happy belated Anniversary ! Lots of fun stuff going on there it seems and pretty's and goodies to ! Thanks for sharing . Have a safe and Merry Christmas !

  10. I'd say you had a very good day. And those caramel rolls?Wow! they look good.

  11. Sounds like the perfect celebration. Happy (late) Anniversary.

  12. Happy anniversary. Sounds like you had a great day. I wish Far Guy would make me some of those caramel rolls. I don't do any baking. The almond bread sounds good too,

  13. Way to go, FarGuy! You could open a holiday bakery.

    Love the ornaments and the "game" you played at the exchange. I shared it with my niece who is always looking for ideas for hers.

  14. The rolls look wonderful!
    Merry Christmas!

  15. The rolls look wonderful. they remind me of my mother's sticky rolls.
    It sounds like you had a lovely special day.

  16. Congrats on the 25th! Those rolls look fantastic. I used to look for excuses to go up to the North shore to stop at Tobys in Hinckely for them...:)

  17. Steak and salad is a great combo. I bet those teenagers will make a good dent in the cookies. Far Guy created a professional looking batch of rolls. Getting the caramel just right has to make them really special. The new ornament at top has such great colors and I really like the horse. The time before Christmas is really going too fast.

  18. Oh boy, I'd like one of those caramel rolls with some real butter...

  19. Those Christmas Caramel Rolls look picture perfect. And delicious!

  20. Sounds like a wonderful day! Merry Christmas& Happy Anniversary to you and Far Guy!

  21. Yummo you have been super busy! I am sure all that receive your sweets will be very appreciative!

  22. Sounds like a wonderful celebration day and those rolls look scrumptious!! :)


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