Saturday, December 20, 2014

45 years

It is our 45th wedding anniversary today! 

old hands

Old hands chapped and worn with a few crooked fingers…some that work and some that don’t.  Best friends hands…sometimes the hands carry silent messages…communication at its best. 

wedding Bouquet

Young hands ready to start a new life together.

Gosh it seems like only yesterday… but here we are two children and five grands later.

Growing older sucks some days…but for the most part we have been blessed.

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  1. Sweet photos. We wish you two a happy anniversary.

  2. Very nice post! Happy Anniversary! It's a celebration when two people stay together thru thick and thin, sickness and health and all that. It's something for your children to try and follow in your footsteps, too. Hopefully, they will be successful like you.

  3. CONGRATULATONS for your wedding anniversary! Your hands look okay to me! Not much aging there it seems to me. Those hands have done a lot of good and useful things over the years. I love that wedding picture of your two hands together. That is what marriage is about..

    Shirley H.

  4. I am simply honored to be a part of your world, you two! Congratulations on your anniversary, and thank you for taking up blogging so that I could find you and be enriched. I don't think if I added up all four of my marriages together it would make 45 years. So I am really impressed! Sending you both virtual hugs. :-)

  5. Your forgotten old photos for today should inspire you.

    Happiest anniversary and wishes for many many more to come!

  6. Those hands haven't changed a bit! Congratulations on all those years.

  7. Awwhhh - - - so very, very sweet! Your hands do amazing things every single day and accomplish LOTS! We are all blessed because of the typing and camera clicking they do. Sure hope you and Far Guy have a phenomenal celebration!

  8. Congratulations on 45 years. I find life is moving way to fast now.

  9. Happy Anniversary! What a great milestone. I love the photos of your hands, then and now.

  10. Happy Anniversary, we had our 49th this year. And like you it doesn't seem possible.

  11. Happy Anniversary!

    I love the photos in this post.

  12. Happy Anniversary! Terry and I got married on the 21st of December...47 years ago!


  13. Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more wonderful years. I love the pictures of the hands. You will have to remember to do this again at your 50th.

  14. Happy Anniversary.
    The photo's are awesome. What a great idea.

  15. Aww...sweet:) Congrats on 45 years, wow! Your hands look better than mine.

  16. I love this post! It speaks so closely of the 45 years Tom and I have been married too.
    Congratulations, and Happy Anniversary!

  17. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!

  18. Happy Anniversary ~ the stories "the hands" could tell.... many more blessings your way!

  19. Such a lovely post. Congratulations on 45 years! Your hands are pretty.

  20. Forty five years says a lot. No wonder those are Best Friend hands. Congratulations on staying the course, no matter what!

  21. happy Anniversary to you two, sweet holding hands.Blessings Francine.

  22. Awww - what lovely shots and thoughts! Wishing you many more loving years together.

  23. The hands tell the stories of the passing years... good ones, apparently! Happy Anniversary.

  24. Congratulations! Today is my anniversary too, only 39 years. I agree with all your sentiments.

  25. Awwww!!! Happy Anniversary!! You said it perfectly. :)

  26. Congratulations for the 45 year anniversary.

  27. Awww Happy Anniversary! You two make a great pair!


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