Friday, November 1, 2013

Eleven Goblins

We have left over candy.  I am always afraid some new kids will find us here back in the woods.

Teddy is a Monkey

A monkey who should have been a bear.  His name is Teddy…maybe next year.

Chloe, Mason and Anna

A witch, Jason ( a bad guy) and a pink crayon

Jorden Gavin and Aubrey

A warrior (I think a Dragon Warrior), a Ninja, and a kitty.

The girls

A snow princess, a witch, a bee and a lamb.

Are you a good witch or a bad witch

Are you a good witch or a bad witch?  She had to think on that question for a bit.

See my tail

The kitty showing off her tail.

They were a bunch of smiling happy kids having a great time.  Chance enjoyed all the company and so did we:)

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  1. They are all cute and look very happy and so does Chance!
    Yesterday driving down Main St., we passed a grown lady walking with a red tail and horns!!!

  2. How sweet. I miss the days when our neighborhood filled up half a school bus. Now we had just one kid show up last night. Mostly just us old folks out here now.....:(

  3. That is the sweetest bunch of Trick or Treaters I have ever seen.

  4. Adorable! I wish I had thought of taking pictures of my little goblins last night! :-)

  5. It was fun for us here too. I saw a couple of those costumes down here. The parents who wanted candy for their two year old baby made me smile and grind my teeth at the same time. I wonder who will eat the baby's candy. I would have liked to take pictures but we were out on the porch. Barney came out once to see all the boys and loved them all.

  6. What a wonderful sight! I love to see young ones having fun.

  7. they sure are adorable - how fun!

  8. It's always more fun to see children from the neighborhood stop by for treats. When I lived on the farm, only a handful of children stopped by, but those who did were a delight.

  9. I enjoyed seeing these pictures! In the 24 years living out here in the woods, we have had 2 trick or treaters. I miss seeing them!

  10. How darling, cute kids and Chance does look happy!

  11. Aren' t they just the cutest?!?! I bought more candy than I thought I would need after I heard the weather was supposed to be ugly but it turned out nice and I had more trick or treaters than usual! Good thing I bought another bag of candy! I think they come to see the "girls" as some were paying so much attention to them they almost forgot to take their candy! LOL! The girls love Halloween too because they love kids and they get to see more on Halloween than any other time. Looks like Chance was getting some attention too.

  12. I always buy candy - then we get to enjoy it! (She types as she takes another handful of candy corn!)

  13. Cute little kids! I like when they still get excited over costumes and don't just throw something on and go out and beg for candy.

  14. Good on you for taking photos of these little guys. I think they were pleased. I think that costumes are much better than a few years ago.

  15. How charming, and how lovely that you take photos of your visitors!


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