Friday, November 15, 2013


The yarn and crochet hooks are calling my name.   I am not sure why.  The bright colors and new kinds of fun yarn are mesmerizing.  It is like I go into some kind of trance; oh I love that color, oh feel this one, oh I could make great things with you. They are speaking to me.  Buy me, buy me…you can never have too  many crochet hooks.  Free Patterns…why do the manufactures do that to me?
Could I learn to join granny squares as I go?  Yes I could…I always hated sewing them together…some woman smarter than me has figured out a way and I can do it!!  Here is my test piece.  Success!!!  I love this multi color yarn.
Granny Squares joined
Never too old to learn something new.  Thanks to a link from Sam.  I need to get into the storage way upstairs and get down some of my yarn to use up.  Because I want to make a afghan all different colors.  If there are some colors I will never use I should donate them to the church for prayer shawls.
I am still working on my hat, I have ripped it apart several times.  I may need a different pattern.  I so wanted a blue winter hat with a brim and a big old crochet flower on it.
Am I turning into my Grandmother?  Nope she didn’t crochet…she cooked…cooking and baking was her hobby.
My scarf is still unfinished, the one with the fuzzy balls.  I need to rip it apart, I bought another hank of yarn so my scarf could be wider and longer and show off more of those wonderful fuzzy balls.
I have not crochet anything in a long time. I used to knit years ago, I learned to knit before I learned to crochet. My Aunt Marie taught me to knit.  One of my old high school friends Kathy taught me to crochet.  Years ago a group of gals would get together and work on projects once a month, learning new crafts from each other.  I learned some fancy embroidery stitches and how to do Hardanger, how to crochet and how to make macramé knots good enough to make some hanging flower pot holders remember them?  I also learned how to cross stitch along the way.  I can quilt as in little stitches with a thread and needle.  As my fingers get more arthritic it is harder to hold the needle. 
Yup getting I better crochet while I can:)
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  1. I love your yarn. Sounds like you will have fun crocheting on these cold, winter days.
    I can still picture my grandma in front of the fire crocheting, the clock ticking away on the mantle.
    She had a habit of just "barely" whistling - sounded like a tea pot!!!

  2. p.s. Praying that you all have a better weekend. God bless Jen.

  3. Funny, last night I got out my book, "Learn to Crochet", looked at a few pages and put it away. I'm tired of making bonnets and aprons! Your yarn and those squares are so pretty. I did manage crochet one of those hippie looking shoulder bags back in the 70's! I was proud of that!

  4. I love to crochet. Nothing better on a cold winter day than to sit with a big ball of colorful yarn and crochet away. I found a web site that is a charity that a person can crochet or knit for I have sent things to them as has my daughter-in-law. Have a great weekend.

  5. I used to crochet but haven't done it for years. I might have to start up again, just for fun. I like that feeling of time stopping and being in the moment. :-)

  6. I've been feeling the urge to get back to knitting and crocheting lately, too. But I have been playing with polymer clay instead.

  7. Glad that I am not the only one that "hears" the siren calls from yarn. I have so much stashed around my house, I am beginning to think of it as insulation. Several years ago, I had a suitcase filled with blocks I knit using a different stitch for each one. I gave them away because I didn't want to seam them together. I still detest seaming.

  8. I love yarn stores, and yes, because of the yarn, but my fingers itch not because of the needles, but wanting a camera in's the colors, the textures...oh to be let loose in one of those stores to take photos.


  9. I know the feeling -- I used to knit, crochet, cross stitch, and do other needle crafts. Now, I can't. [sigh] Love that purplish blue color!

  10. Well, look at you! And the "join as you go" mastered while I messed mine up! Thanks for the link to me...I was really shocked when I saw my name in your post! LOL! I guess I'll save the "join as you go" for the little squares I'm making. The big solid squares I make after my legs are too tired to go so I go to bed and watch t.v. and crochet...not a good time to try and teach myself some new technique! Ha! Ha! Now you've motivated me! You go girl! Maybe we could have a Skype craft group get together? That way no one would have to clean their house or serve refreshments or drive in the bad weather. We could even have our jammies on! The more I think about it the more I think it's a brilliant idea! LOL! Oh, I love the scarf with the fur balls! LOL!

  11. Some of the new yarns are amazingly beautiful. The color combinations make me hungry!

  12. I have knitted a lot in the past. I need to start it up again. I like your multi colored yarn.

  13. This makes me want to knit again. Haven't done it for years, and can't remember how to cast on. But I'm sure I can relearn that, and as you say the colors and textures are so appealing!

  14. I don't know how to knit or crochet but I am usually into sewing projects by this time in the fall. My sewing machine is still put away. Granddaughter Irene said she doesn't need any more pretty dresses. And my hands are getting bad so that it is hard to get them to do what I need them to do. I'll have to did out some winter sewing projects.

  15. Last Christmas Karmyn made something like 40 knit caps. She let us pick our own out for Christmas. When I chose mine, she and my other daughter did high fives. They'd guessed the one I would pick.

    (I was cajoled out of hibernation by an old blogging buddy so I'm posting 30 days in NOvember. Well, I'm attempting. Feeling the steam gone tonight.) I don't knit.

  16. I had to stop both crocheting and knitting. Sure was a hard thing to do...the stopping...but my fingers just would not work in tiny little movements anymore!


  17. I like crocheting better than knitting - - - seems to go faster - - but I love the look of a knit project more. Great tutorial on the granny squares. I bookmarked it. The granny square afghan reminds me of my grandmother's 'good' living room - - - for company only or use by family to open presents at Christmas. She had a beautiful afghan on the back of the sofa. All the squares were bordered in black so it was almost a "dressy" afghan for that room. Happy, happy memories.

  18. Cool yarn! Yes, I made the macrame plant holders! Had a ton of plants on plant poles, too--remember those? I never could get the hang of crochet. My grandmother did beautiful crochet work. I learned how to knit, but couldn't seem to knit to scale to save my life so had to stick to blankets, washcloths, and scarves--LOL! ;)

  19. Have you heard of Lots of knitting and crochet inspiration to be had there, as well as lots of tips and techniques.


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