Sunday, November 17, 2013

Chance : Walking on Water

Hiya!  It’s me Chance.  I get to blog!!  Far Side is bogged down with forty million projects.   We, meaning Far Guy and I drug her out of the house to town and then to a garage sale the other day… the sale people were packing up so we went down to the lake.

I am not so sure about the state of the water?

Walking on water

Far Guy seems confidant.

Reasurance that we wont fall in

It helps to get a little reassurance that we won’t fall in.

Long Lake is frozen

It was a great place to get a cold drink.  Didyaknow that the ice makes funny sounds when it is freezing?  It does…it was kinda scary.


Here I am walking on the water!  Are you impressed…well you should be! Just so you know the water wasn’t real deep and Far Side was on shore and after taking photos of us splashing around I am certain that she would have rescued us sooner or later:)



  1. Hi Chance, Wow - it looks cold there. Glad you got to visit the lake and get out for a ride.
    Hope everyone has a nice Sunday.

  2. Looks like fun! Here in the banana belt of Minnesota the ice is just a very thin film. Today it might be gone...:)

  3. Morning Chance, you are amazing walking on water, but be careful......Hugs Francine.

  4. Brrr! That frozen water doesn't look very frozen, Chance. Be careful! Glad to know Far Side was nearby. :-)

  5. I can't imagine having temperatures that cold, already, to freeze the water. Brrr!

  6. Chance, you and Far Guy are brave. Ice is just starting to form on the lakes in my area, but I wouldn't walk on it yet.

  7. It looks like a long winter if you are getting frozen lakes so soon. Anyway a most impressive picture of you walking on water.

  8. Always good to hear from you ,Chance.

  9. Great skill , Chance. the last time I tried walking on water I slipped and landed on my butt. It was embarrassing.

  10. Yes, falling through would have been rather chilly. Have a great weekend.


  11. Hey, Chance, I see tiny films of ice on the lake and some of the ponds in Como Park, but by later on a sunny day they are gone. I'm glad you got Far Side out to take those wonderful photos. Which reminds me, please tell her that I LOVE the new header. That lady has some skills!

  12. I am impressed with your ability to walk on water. I usually end up on my butt when I try to do it.

  13. Beautiful blue skies!!! It's amazing that you have frozen ice already. It looks like Far Guy is having a good day so guessing his nerve disease was not aggravating him that day.

  14. What a beautiful place...and I just love Chance!

  15. Wow. Ice already. And we have the air conditioners on. Crazy weather.
    Have a wonderful week!

  16. Totally impressed, Chance. You knew we would be :)

  17. Ice already - lucky you! We still have water over here.

    Those are some lovely shots.

  18. I thought the same as lady fi. ICE ALREADY? woof

  19. We had a couple of days Chance when my water barrel froze up but today it is open water again. I can see how you would be hesitant to walk on that water without some snow cover on it. It is hard to believe that it is freezing and yet you do live in Minnesota.

  20. Makes me cold just looking at it. You are very brave to venture out there even if it is shallow.

  21. Yes sir'ee, I be walking on water too! Love your frosty header!

  22. You are cold...that is for sure!


  23. Both you and FarGuy have miraculous qualities!! ;)


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