Saturday, November 23, 2013

Rolls for two or three or four

It was cold, I was cold.  How better to stay warm than stay in the kitchen and throw stuff in the oven to bake.  I baked Pumpkin Bread and two gigantic pretty big cinnamon rolls.

Some tourist traps have big rolls…how do they do it?  Last May Jen and Andy found a huge sweet roll in Michigan…they drove off the freeway twice to get the biggest sweet roll in Michigan.

Fudge and a big roll

They also brought us some fudge.  That huge sweet roll has been bugging me since I devoured at least half of it.  How did they do it?  What was their recipe?

It wasn’t this one..because I used half wheat/half white flour.

Two Rolls

And my drizzle was tart  because I used lemon juice in the powdered sugar.  I had to guess when they were done because I forgot to set the freaking timer.  Luckily they were done just right.

It nearly filled up a dinner plate.  Far Guy thought they were really good. I was not satisfied so I will try a different recipe again one of these days.  Maybe closer to the time when the grand boys are coming to visit.Almost fills a plate

I might need some new yeast.  I put everything into the bread machine to mix up and rest.  The dough was nice to work with but it should have risen more.  Not that I am an expert baker or anything…I bake just enough to get by.  No fire alarms sounded.IMG_4203

It snowed yesterday, it was bitterly cold. The wind blew and Chance made his trips outside in record time.   It was –2 F or –18 C yesterday morning, I think winter has come to stay:(

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  1. That cinnamon roll you made looks pretty darn good to me. It does sound like winter has come to stay in your neck of the woods. It got down to 30 degrees here last night, 10 degrees warmer than that last two. :-)

  2. Bigger isn't always better! They sure looked pretty darn good to me!

  3. Your cinnamon roll looks good to me. It is very cold and windy here also. It was 16 degrees at 7:30 AM. Keep warm.

  4. What's better about "BIG" when it comes to the cinnamon rolls? I think they are good no matter what size!
    Shirley H.

  5. The school cooks years ago could make these large rolls from scratch and they were served with chili once a week. The past few years the cooks can by them frozen and they would just thaw and bake. They really were closer to a batter bread roll than a homemade one. And then a certain President's wife has decided that they can't serve them any more. Maybe in three years normal will come back. Your rolls looked good.

  6. I haven't had a cinnamon roll in years. My sister used to make pans and pans of cinnamon rolls: some with raisins, some without. I wonder why she stopped making them.

    It was bitter cold here yesterday and this morning, too. Winter is beginning to tighten its grip.

  7. Oh! I do think winter has arrived! There and here! You ARE a good baker!


  8. Winter has definitely arrived here too.
    The cinnamon rolls look delicious!

  9. Brrr...too cold. I've never been able to bake bread. My great aunt was an excellent roll maker. Hope you find a recipe that is just what you are looking for!
    Have a good night and hugs to Chance.
    My cold-natured cat is laying on the microwaveable heating pad that WAS on my neck! We're way down in the 50's!!!

  10. Giant cinnamon rolls. We used to always stop in Hinkley at Tobies just to get them on our fishing and camping trips up north....:)

  11. Around here, we have cinnamon buns -- a Philly staple. When I make them, I use a yeast dough, then put butter, brown sugar, and nuts (optional) on the bottom of the baking dish. Then, after the cinnamon is spread on the dough, and they’re rolled and sliced, I roll them in more brown sugar, and line them up in the baking dish. They’re gooey and yummy just like that, with no need for a frosting or glaze.

  12. I think winter is here, too...snow and 20s. Not like Minnesota but not like Florida either.

  13. I'd like to slowly unravel that cinnamon roll (without the icing) and just slather it with butter. :)

    I think you've sent a little bit of that Minnesota weather down to the Gulf Coast. It might even get down into the 30's overnight. :P

  14. A recipe would be welcome. ;-)
    We're not as cold as you, but we're colder than normal.
    Have a good weekend and stay warm!

  15. The baking looks great. Cinnamon buns are my favorite but not store bought. Only home made cinnamon buns are worth eating.
    You know you'll get used to the cold. Minus 2 C is nothing for you guys.

  16. It looks to me like you did a great job! --- I struggle with baking ~ my guess is that it is the yeast, the flour etc etc -- it must grow old when it lasts so long in my cupboard. :) Thanks for your comment today ~ I also heard that the pesty fisher is MEAN... I am hoping he/she couldn't find the perfect nesting tree and has moved on (long gone). Yes I will have to agree that the cold cold part of winter has arrived (crazy).

  17. Yay for no fire alarms! Bet has us completely switched over to dough starter, no more commercial yeasts for us. And it even works well for sweet breads. Hope you find that perfect recipe for your enormous cinnamon rolls!

  18. That Michigan cinnamon roll makes that box of fudge look like a chiclet!

    I don't know what's up with those cinnamon roll recipes. At our house, my husband is the cinnamon roll fancier, but he hasn't found one recipe yet that makes it just right. When you find the one you like, don't be shy about sharing it. Hopefully before our traditional Christmas Eve cinnamon roll fest!

  19. - 18 C - oh gosh, that IS cold! Love those buns - they should keep you warm!

  20. I made pumpkin bread yesterday, also. Cinnamon and cloves in the air warm up the cold, I'm convinced! 3 degrees F at my house this morning.

  21. They are so big it's like making a loaf of bread! I've wondered how they make those giant swet rolls, too--and if it is just a Midwest thing. ;) Stay warm!!

  22. It's cold here today and rainy/icy....30 F. Brr...I went out to get the mail but was very careful to see if it had "iced" yet but just on the railing. I wish I could bake today as you are so right...great day to have the oven on. Your cinnamon rolls look great! Alas, I am still cleaning for company. My quick pecan roll recipe is to get Pillsbury caramel rolls and lay pecans on the bottom of the pan before I put the rolls in. They're better than my homemade and so easy. I've got the turkey defrosting since yesterday in the frig but still seems pretty frozen...I hope he's defrosted by Wednesday! What are you up to for Thanksgiving?


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