Thursday, November 14, 2013


Sometimes things just take time.

Sometimes I am not a very patient person either.

I want Jen to heal fast and get back to normal.  We left her on her own, well not all alone she has her boys to take care of her.   She usually takes care of them…

Good thing we came home when we did..cause someone had taken the last of his medication that he must take every day.  I did not have any extra in my bag either…leave it to a man to pack. I have extra in a different bag, and extra in a different vehicle.  I need to get organized for the times he has brain farts.

Came home looking for a photo file from 2008 of Far Guys Class Reunion, he is working on a project.  Looked high and low, found backup files..but not the right one.  I think he is appealing to classmates for help as other people took photos that day.

I am back to working on the Christmas Ornaments, had some glitches to overcome.  I think I am on the right track now.  None are totally finished yet…soon.  I really want them DONE.

For now I am in a slow mode…doing what I think is the most important thing to accomplish any given day:)

Amish Wagon 

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  1. Hoping that Jen begins to feel better soon.
    Sending love to you all.

  2. The slow mode is good at times. I call it my Minnesota Winter Survival mode...:)

  3. I agree, sometimes slow mode is good.....Blessings Francine.

  4. Praying that Jen feels better soon. This time of year my brain goes into hibernation. Maybe that's a good thing.

  5. I hear you, Connie. Sometimes we've got to choose what we want to do most. Far Guy is lucky to have you to help him. :-)

  6. Sometimes, slow is good. I have to remind myself of that fairly often.

  7. Hugs to Jen. Slow IS good.

  8. Slow is good and sometimes necessary. Praying for a speedy recovery for Jen.

  9. I am in a mode (mood) too need to get very motivated since Christmas is coming here early :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Gosh! Right there with you! Hope Jen is better soon.

  12. Nothing wrong with the slow mode - slow and steady is often the best route to get things accomplished.

  13. Time is moving just as fast up here on the mountain.....the tech believes it was an email that refused to open that gave me the virus.....yuck!

  14. I am slow mode everyday...not by choice. Wish I could run in the fast lane for a short time again....just for memories sake. I'm sure it would whoop my behind pretty good, but it would be worth it one more time.

  15. Please tell Jen she has had major surgery and it takes time for our bodies to recover and heal from this major "insult" to the body. We all heal at different rates so no one is grading her on this! Shirley H.

  16. Sometimes we get more done in slow mode. I would tell new teachers to take a deep breath and lower their voice an octave and it would make a big difference in their classroom. Try it!

  17. My summer of ailments left me realizing that I could go slow and it just didn't matter. I had to shut my brain down on that one though as I want to do double time on everything. I hope it isn't to noticeable to others but I am just slower now than I have ever been before. Jobs get done when they get done.

  18. Healing thoughts and prayers for Jen. Just when things are ramping up for the holidays too...well, maybe that gets her off the hook for one of them at least! I'm so slow anymore no matter how I try to prioritize. One of the kids will call and ask what I've' been doing and when I tell them it sounds pathetic compared to what I used to accomplish. I don't mind aging except for that part...I can't keep up anymore. But I must admit I like taking my time, not rushing and doing one thing at a time for a change.

  19. Hopping for a speedy recovery for Jen ! Yup slow mode here to for me now , putter and get the odd bits and pieces done that I didn't get done yet ! Love the Amish cart one of my favorite subjects to photograph ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  20. Slow is always good. Hope things go well for Jen and that she gets well quickly. ♥

  21. Love the photo! It's a good reminder to slow down and be patient. Hope your daughter feels better soon.

  22. When things seem to pile up on us, we want to get them all fixed right now. It's hard to be patient. I have been learning this lesson daily lately. All we can do is prioritize, slow down and take it one at a time.

  23. That photograph is a great reminder! Yes, slow is important. Hope Jen is feeling better soon.

  24. Boy, I understand that...getting one back into a routine/groove is important...Magic thoughts for Jen and healing prayers also.


  25. I live a snail life. I slowly work on priorities. And when the frosts come--I just want to hibernate for a while--LOL! :)


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie