Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wistful Wednesday: Little Girls

When the girls were little they were much easier to take care of.  Bandages for the owies that bled and kisses for all the other ones.  A cuddle with a blankie in a chair and being rocked until they went to sleep.

My beautiful picture

I think my husband is a better picture taker nowadays. He barely got Trica in the photo, I am holding Jennifer.  This was taken the day my Grandparents D. celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary…1978 maybe.

Jennifer had the surgery to remove the kidney stone that was causing her so much misery.   She is very uncomfortable, we are trying our best to make her feel better.  It will just take some time to recuperate.  If you knew my youngest daughter you would soon realize that patience is not her greatest virtue… but she is trying:)

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  1. Please tell Jen she is in our thoughts and prayers.

  2. Hope Jennifer is feeling much better soon. I miss the days of holding and rocking my two girls too. Love your picture.

  3. Hope Jen feels better real soon, glad the surgery is over. sweet picture, Francine.

  4. My prayers go out to Jennifer. I miss the days of holding my son and rocking him to sleep. Great picture.

  5. I hope Jennifer feels better soon! I love your old pictures!

  6. Hugs to Jen as she recuperates from her surgery.

  7. So glad that stone is out and Jen can now feel better after the first surgery pains get less. Shirley H.

  8. Great times! Good memories of Grandma and Grandpa's 50 th.
    Not so good memories for your daughter and her surgery.

  9. Oh I certainly hope she is starting to feel better. Get Well Wishes Jen!

  10. Hope Jennifer has a speedy recovery ! Lovely old photo . Have a good day !

  11. When our children are in pain, don't we wish we could just hold them like we did when they were little. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Jennifer.

  12. Sorry to hear about the surgery and tough recovery. Healing thoughts coming her way.

  13. That's so true! If only moms could keep their super powers after the little ones grow up..... I hope your daughter gets well quickly.

  14. Sorry to hear it took surgery, but I'm hoping now she'll be recuperating quickly. :-)

  15. Oh, poor Jen...but so glad they didn't continue to let her suffer. Where are those lasers when you need them??????

  16. I'm working my way backwards... so I won't try and ask too many questions.
    I still haven't gone through all our photos from the past 37 years and scanned them. I think that would be worthwhile project.

  17. Since I am so far behind and it's already Saturday--I hope she is all recovered by now. :)


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