Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Days After Christmas

We survived!  Everyone seemed to be well fed and well gifted and left us old folks to recoup.  Yes, we were tired.  I may not cook again for awhile.  Although I had really good kitchen help..especially with the clean up!

We picked teams and played is amazing what Grands learn not from school but from the how many times a year do Penguins have sex?  “Once” replied Paige “I learned that from the movie Happy Feet.” Most of the family knows a very limited amount of Sports Trivia..other than Hockey, we know nothing of other sports. Only one of us knew what the Super Bowl Trophy was called.  Presidential elections ran a close second to sports as a non category for all of us. 

Andy cooked the Prime Rib as I have no knowledge of that kind of fancy smancy cooking. A mountain of Spaetzle disappeared into those Grands.   They all enjoyed the non traditional Mudballs for desert. The mudballs were awesome especially with raspberries on top..they just might become a new tradition.  Noah likes his water evening he shared with wasn’t too bad.

Far Guy says he doesn’t have much planned for after Christmas.  I have so many irons in the fire it is difficult to know where or what to begin first.  I think I will just rest a couple of days.


Cute little snow woman ornament from Leah.


Beautiful Maple leaf ornament from Jen:)

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  1. Sounds like you had fun and lots of good things to eat. I especially love that maple leaf ornament. I think you deserve to rest for a while and just enjoy your beautiful ornaments and lights.

  2. Morning, oh sounds like a wonderful time had by, family and food, can`t beat that.......Blessings Francine.

  3. Yes, the older we get, the more these family gatherings take out of us. We played some word game on Thanksgiving, too, and it was lots of fun. I didn't know that about penguins. :-)

  4. Enjoy some resting and relaxing time.... that is what we have done the last two days - I even took a nap (I never do that) must have needed it to get ready for the weekend! Happy New Year to you!

  5. A beautiful time, and a now a long winters nap....


  6. Beautiful ornaments! Enjoy your well deserved rest.

  7. Christmas preparation is a tremendous effort that is worth it . After it's over it's kind of nice to sit back for a while and let it all sink in.
    Glad you had a good Christmas.

  8. Ah, yes... relaxation - a perfect idea! Good luck with that ;-)

  9. Sounds like the perfect day, Far Side. Hope you enjoy the end of the year and have a Blessed New Year.
    Stay warm! ♥

  10. Your Christmas gathering sounds perfect. I wouldn't do well with the trivia.

  11. I was looking forward to Boxing Day (26th) figuring that I could relax and do absolutely 'nothing'. Then I remembered the leak in the water line. The repair didn't go well yesterday, we will be tackling it again today.

  12. Glad you are happily recovering and isn't it like a big sigh of relief when the 26th arrives?

  13. Resting is good...enjoy those beautiful trees of yours.

  14. I love that maple leaf! I am glad that it is over even though it was a nice christmas, with Mom and Dad over!

  15. What is a mudball? You must share your recipes. Sounds interesting.

  16. That maple leaf ornament is gorgeous!
    I didn't even have anybody over and I rested up for a couple of days, myself--LOL! I have a list of things I should be doing...and I will start tomorrow, said Scarlett. ;)
    It was a wonderful year!! :):)

  17. That maple leaf is indeed beautiful.

    Enjoy some resting up time! :)

  18. I love hearing about your Christmas! It sounds delightful. I'm with Noah, gotta love the carbonated water!


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