Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Dinner Walked in the Yard

Yes..dinner walked in and walked right back out again when you know who barked. All turkey photos taken out of the kitchen window. Visitors

I guess instead of them being the dinner they were looking for it.  They were greedily pecking at the areas under the black sunflower feeders.


Running off

Then you know who barked and scared them away.


Just incase you have never seen a turkey track in the snow.

They have been here two days..yesterday Chance scared them so they flew into the trees.  I am not sure that they made it to the bird feeder area when the Border Collie was on duty:)


  1. That's wonderful! The turkeys on your property, that is ... not that Chance barked and scared them. Great pics as well :)

  2. Oh how wonderful, I get excited with the birds at my feeders, how neat to see theses fellows in the yard........Blessings Francine.

  3. I don't know about your area, but we are becoming an over populated turkey area. They are scary when on the road, one never know which way they will actually go!! Merry Christmas to you and those you love.

  4. Is this some kind of competition of wandering wildlife? The moose was back...

  5. Wow, that would be so cool to look out the window and see wild turkeys!

  6. Beautiful scene out your window! I saw one once when we lived at the old house. It is finally cold (32) here and the wind howled all night. Feels more like Christmas!

  7. :) We have had a herd (I know it is a flock) but jiminy there are tracks down our ditch up and over the driveway and on they go.... didn't see them but there had to be quite a few! Hope the delivery man doesn't try to deliver when they around.... I bet those turkeys drive Chance crazy! Our big non-herding dog has become a turkey flusher - never see them but sure hear them.

  8. Nice photos ! We have them here but they seem to stay in the woods and farmers fields . Lots of wacky weather today here a bit of everything but to be snowing and blowing as of tonight possible till Monday ! WOOHOO ! Play time for Miggs and I and winter photos ! Have a good day !

  9. What a treat! Thanks for sharing the photos.

  10. Just doing his job, Mom. Soon they will be used to Chance and come to the porch for treats.

  11. How fun is that - I don't have big fat turkeys around MY bird feeders! LOL

  12. Would you really have one of them for Christmas dinner... as in,"in the oven" Christmas dinner?
    We used to get a kick out of seeing the wild turkeys fly when we lived in SC. We don't see them out on the plains!

  13. Those pictures are great:) We don't have wild turkeys around here.
    You are now back to having more snow than us, AND you have sun!
    Just noticed your woodpile, that's quite a stack you have there:)

  14. Lovely shots! I've never seen wild turkey tracks before.

  15. We don't have turkeys but they look like impressive birds and if they come through your yard will create a stir.

  16. Awesome. Is Chance tired of turkey?????
    Merry Christmas to you all!

  17. husband made the same sorts of comments when some wild turkeys wandered onto our property, too. But that was last summer--too early. Although our eight cats didn't think so--tried to tag-team bag one by the hedge at the corner of the property; it got away, though. Poor cats...they will have to be content with cat food...or else beef up their teamwork strategy.

  18. Where Dagan and Leah lived by the river they had turkeys there all the time. What was fun to watch was the Mom being followed by all the little ones. They are much bigger than I imagined! Leah found a couple of turkey tail feathers. I'd love to maybe try to make my own quill. I guess I have two chances--LOL! ;)


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