I got started on the May Baskets. Last week I searched for an idea. I found one here for a Bee Bouquet.
I headed to the local “Dime Store”..I am not sure why I call it that..nothing there costs a dime anymore.
I needed colored paper and pipe cleaners.
This is the first one I made..the prototype..the others are in process on my desk.

It is taking longer than I thought. It is putzy work, but I love playing with paper. Cutting and gluing and creating.
This is what I used. I made my own pattern. The black piece is cut out of a 12 x 12 piece of black paper. I could get three sometimes four wings out of the blue 12 x 12 paper. The yellow strips are torn. I used my heart punches for the eyes. Three pipe cleaners are used per bee.
Fold the black piece into a cone shape..then staple in place.
Glue on some yellow torn stripes.
Glue on the yellow hearts for eyes and then the black.
Form one pipe cleaner into the antennae and staple into place.
Punch holes into both sides of the cone and add two pipe cleaners to form the handle.
Position the wings and staple them on.
Add a smile and heart shaped eyes with a silver pen.
Fill with candy or flowers.
On May 1st you take the May Basket and put it on someone's door. You knock on the door or ring the door bell. Then you run..if you are caught you might be kissed!
I challenge you to bring in the May with me on May 1st. I will report back on May 2nd with a blog post and photos of my deliveries on May Day…and possibly an old photo of me on May Day a long time ago.
I have celebrated May Day as long as I can remember. I made baskets with my brothers and my sister. I made baskets with my children. Now my children make May Baskets with their children. Now I make May Baskets to deliver to my great nieces and nephews..some day they will remember me as the old woman who used to bring them candy in a basket on the first day of May:)