Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wistful Wednesday: 1949

My Dad and I have been looking through some of the old photos that came from his Dad ( My Grandfather).

Me: "Who is this chick you are with Dad? "
Dad: "Let me see?"
Me: "Well I know for a fact that is not my Mother."
At which time my Mothers ears perk up, she comes over and looks.
Mom : "Well that is Violet Korpi and she really wanted your Dad, everyone knew it. "
My Dad just shakes his head.
Dad: "This was at Marie and Kenneth's Wedding..we were both in the wedding."
Mom: "Yup, she was really after your Dad."
Dad: " That was in 1949, that is her brother Hubert in the photo too."
Dad was pretty cool, not denying, not confirming, just stating the facts.

I wrote about Violet a few weeks ago, she ended up with her own business..she owned the beer joint in Snellman. Minnesota. I don't think she ever married..but I am not certain. Perhaps her heart was broken in 1950 when my parents were married. She was a beautiful young woman.

This photo was taken on September 16, 1949. Dad was the best man and brother of the bride and apparently Violet the sister of the groom was the maid of honor. I had the best time looking around in this photo, believe it or not that tie hung in my Dads closet for many was very silky, brown, beige and yellow. On the table are tall candles, a plate of sandwiches, a cake, a whole plate of jelly rolls that I could nearly taste and a bowl of jello with bananas in it. My dad has a cup of coffee sitting in front of him, no doubt it was egg coffee too another of my favorites. No one makes egg coffee anymore...I bet it would be a big hit. My Dad was very handsome..but shy looking in this photo:)

Egg Coffee
Boil 9 cups of water in a coffee pot on top of the stove. In a bowl mix an entire egg, the shell and all it's contents into 3/4 cup of coffee grounds and 1/4 cup water. Drop the egg and coffee ground mixture into the pot and simmer for a few minutes then add a cup or so of cold water to settle the grounds. Let it set for a bit, use a coffee strainer to strain it into a cup..enjoy..
This is a traditional Scandinavian Lutheran Church Coffee.


  1. Old pictures or fun to look and think about ,wish my dad was here to look with me.
    Thanks for your wise info on my pictures.

  2. Ah no denial, no confirmation, just the facts, love old picture day! Your coffee recipe is how my dad made camp coffee but it always seemed like he used half a can of coffee grounds and we strained it through our teeth! I wonder if Starbucks knows about this recipe!

  3. Holy cow! I'm glad you clarified the egg coffee thing. I've never heard of it before. Seriously sounds horrific, but that must be because I've never had it! :) At least not that I know of. Maybe that memorable cup of java I had back in 1981 at the downtown Hilton was really egg coffee. It was the best cup of coffee I've ever had in my life! :)

    We recently went through my late Mother in Laws old photo collection. We too found a picture of my husbands Dad with "another woman". We think it was his senior prom and the young woman was stunning! We had a lot of fun with that discovery. Sadly, they are both gone so we have no one to ask about it.

  4. It is fun to think of your parents when they were young and dating and the possibilities that fate brings,isn't it?

  5. I'd thought I had heard about almost everything the this egg coffee is a new one on me. I wonder what Starbucks would do if one asked for it. Heeeheehe, I can only imagine the look!!!

    Ya'll have a blessed day!!!

  6. Good thing Violet didn't catch the wedding bouquet that day or your handsome dad really would have been on her marrying agenda.
    I've never heard of egg coffee - although I have heard of putting egg shells in with coffee grounds in the old percolators. It's been ages since I used one of those.

  7. He looks like he's halfway guilty of something and halfway embarrassed by it. giggle.

    so THAT is egg coffee. I'm scrunching my nose - but I'll try it if you fix it.

  8. The egg coffee reminds me of campfire coffee when they drop it in to settle the grounds. It makes more sense to mix it all together first so it would actually settle together. That is quite a photo. I looked the table all over also.

  9. Great post - I loved seeing this pictue of your dad when he was young and hearing the story with the picture. It's odd for me to think about what my parents were like before I was around.
    I'm going to try the egg coffee then I'll let you know what I think!

  10. I forgot to mention, the "She really wanted your Dad, everyone knew it" comment has had me chuckling again and again. Funny

  11. But she didn't get him, did she? Otherwise you wouldn't be here! Such a fun story, and thinking about all the ramifications of life back then is so much fun!!! I have had egg coffee. It's not anything to write home about.

  12. having just spoke to my mom on the east coast... i'm even more nostalgic

  13. Old pictures are so much fun!! Enjoy looking at them with your parents!

  14. Never heard of egg coffee... will have to ask some of the old-timers if they ever drank it!

    Great photo - love the contrast between your shy dad and vivacious Violet.

  15. Awwwwdorable! Your Dad was so cute, and shy in that photo. What great photos to have to share those memories, too.

    Egg coffee, eh? Does it taste like eggs, or do the eggs make it taste richer, creamier? Do the eggs end up hard and scrambled?

    I'd be too afraid to try and make this. I know I'd make a huge mess and it would taste awful. I don't even know how to make coffee the old way. I wonder if it can be adapted to an automatic coffee maker?
    I wish I could try egg coffee made by someone experienced in maiking it. I'm such a cooking wimp. lol!



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