Friday, February 12, 2010

The eyes have it

Wednesday was a perfectly good day to go and get my other eye done. The finish, the grand finale in the quest for sight.

Far Guy and my Dad accompanied me, Chance was once again left safely at home. We waited and waited once we got there, they were running really late. Finally at about the time I was scheduled to have my surgery they called my name. I think I was the last patient of the day...things were going really fast, the Anesthetist came in, a different guy this time..not old and wise looking like the last time..and no moustache. I was old enough to be this young mans mother, in fact he graduated from UND School of Nursing in the class after my daughters. I asked him to stay with me during the entire procedure, and that I would like to be asleep just a little longer this time...he said "No, problem" The nurses barely finished my IV and then Dr. B came in, he started squirting stuff in my eye..the Doctors are just not as neat as the Nurses are about these drops..I asked him why in the world it took him two hours to make the drive this morning....the Nurses began to chuckle...he apparently had told them that the roads were bad. Anyway, he wanted me in the OR, saying "Let's go! " the Anesthetist walked me there.. Mavis was on vacation..but there were some other very nice Nurses there. The Doc comes in and says "Lets do this" ..I saw some lights..far away..and didn't walk towards them..then the Doc talked about the lens folding ..being too warm or too cold, then he said he was done and the time was 12:04 as he ripped the drape from my face. Done, Yes!! I told the Anesthetist " That was really good for me, how was it for you?" I believe he replied "Truly memorable." He did a great job! 
He took me to recovery, they got Far Guy and my Father from the waiting room. My nurse brought me a sandwich and a soda. I began to feel a little faint, some spots whirling madly in my one good eye..then I guess I kinda passed out. Which caused just a little excitement..those poor nurses..somehow they got me into the bed with my feet up. As it turns out Far Guy diagnosed my problem..fluids..he simply pinched the skin on the back of my hand..and the skin clung together. He went in search of some water for me. The nurses came back in and speeded up my IV and in a little while I felt much better. I also drank two huge glasses of water. Doctors were parading in and out, I must have been the excitement of the day.."Let's go talk to the lady that passed out in same day surgery." I told them of Far Guys diagnosis..they all agreed. Last time I was welly hydrated by the IV before the surgery, this time it was a hurry up situation with the IV just started and my body finally just protested. The handsome Duke, the older Anesthetist with the moustache, came by and said I was all better and could go home now that I had finished all of my IV fluids and drank lots of water.

This time, I was more numb nose was even numb. I got to fore go the massive headache this time. Although I do have some pain and some swelling that I did not have last time. I might end up with a black eye. I rested after getting home, and had a nap. Thursday I went in and got off the fancy bandages, I can see really good far away, but absolutely nothing is in focus close up. I could not read. This is all totally foreign to me, I knew it was going to happen..but I still was not prepared. The whole not reading thing was complicated because Far Guy insisted that they check out my eye from two weeks they dilated it..wide open..and found no problems..only floaters.

Far Guy found me some reading glasses in the grocery store, but they didn't fit my face. He just wanted to get home, so we missed breakfast and other reading glass shopping options. I am using an old pair of his reading glasses today. Today I can drive myself to town and look as long as I want, of course I won't be able to read any of the tags on the I will have to try lots of them on. I feel like crap..extremely tired and very cranky. I just woke up from a nine hour nap and I am still exhausted. I can report that my left eye is happy again, it is my dominant eye..and the two weeks of fighting for "top eye" status is finally over.

As for my sight, it is extremely clear and colorful..whites are white, and colors are once again like I remember long ago. So I can scratch off cataracts from my things to be endured when you get older list:)


  1. You are definitely getting better because your humor is returning. It is good your first experience was better or you might have thought twice about the second eye. I am thrilled that you have clarity of vision in both eyes. As usual, you have excellent pictures to document your text!

  2. You have beautiful eyes Miss Connie. Hopefully your eyes will adjust to reading again. I have never had the privileged of "C" surgery yet but with all the time I spend in the sun, I'm sure it's a given. Heck, I'm still without glasses. You rest up and take care.

    Have a blessed day filled with refreshin' rest!!!

  3. Wow, this is great! Since my hubby spends a lot of time in front of the computer, he opted to get lenses that allow him to see without glasses up close, and uses glasses for driving and seeing things far away. It works for him. You will be doing just the opposite. Glad you're all done now and things are clear and colorful!!!

  4. Say, that Far Guy is quite the diagnostitian.
    Good for him for knowing that you were dehydrated!
    And here you are typing already. Congratulations to you for guts.
    Chance is doing a good job of nursing. Bless him.

  5. A very nice write up for those who have yet to face this procedure. It must be nice to have it all behind you now. Far guy should hang out his shingle.

  6. You are so funny. I bet your anesthetist truly did have a memorable experience with you. Kind of a scary experiencing passing out though. It is a good way to get people in fast action mode. Maybe you should have done it before the surgery then you wouldn't have had to wait so long. Dr. Far Guy saved the day with his rapid diagnosis.
    Thankfully no headache this time. It won't take long and you will good as new. I'm glad to hear everything went well without any complications. Enjoy those new eyes :)

  7. Thank you for this right up. I live in the sun so I'm sure this is coming for me. I also appreciate your explaining the drawbacks. My Dad never said what they were, just that he was glad to see again, and my mother in law was dissappointed because they worked. She has a hobby of being sick, this ruined the eye part for her.


  8. Hi Connie, Glad to get this update and I agree with Rae about Far Guy knowing that you were dehydrated - good for him. I hope you continue to improve and I am happy it is over for you. Wishing you all a great Valentine's weekend.

  9. Sounds like this eye was a little rougher but hopefully the healing period will go by quickly.

  10. Ahh all done now! Give it a few weeks and you will be so glad you can see so well again! Promise! I know I did.

  11. I bet you are glad it is all over now. Have you found anything creative to do with your old glasses? :) Seriously, I am happy that you are doing better today. Reading glasses are not so bad. I wear glasses for distance, and reading glasses to pay the bills. Bi-focals would solve my problem but I'm too stubborn!
    Take care of yourself and have a Happy Valentines Day.

  12. I'm glad you can see beautifully again!! Yeah!

  13. Glad you got it finished!!

  14. Glad its over and everything turned out a-ok. Its going to be a beautiful summer filled with vivid color once again. Life is good.

  15. Your eyes are beautiful! They are the windows to the soul, you know, and I see a kind soul residing there.

    Glad you have this behind you and your world is alive again with color.

  16. Connie, I love the heart banner, and am tickled about your "new" eyes. My mom had laser surgery and after years of serious eyesight issues, she, too, is free. It's amazing! Congrats!

  17. Glad this is all behind you -- and things you have to look forward too -- Ohhhh the pictures you will be taking!

  18. Fainting after surgery? Poor you - but makes for a great story! ;-)

    So glad you can now see everything in vibrant colour!

  19. wow. this is a great post--so detailed and vivid. it does not sound fun but thank god for far guy understanding the fluid problem, and telling a clinic full of nurses and doctors what to do for you.

    the numbness/pain/swelling should clear up pretty quickly, yes? will your close-in vision remain poor, or will that improve over time?

  20. He is an amazing man, and just as much your champion as you are for him.

    Sounds like you are recovering, and it is a good thing that the first eye went well, it might have been harder for you to go back the second time if this happened before.

    Heal well, we are glad to hear that things are looking up LOL.


  21. I am glad your ordeal is over. Now you can enjoy colors again. Hope you got good reading glasses that fit.

  22. Before long, you will be picking small pieces of lint off Far Guy! ha


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