Friday, February 26, 2010

German Songbook

This is an very old book that belongs to my Mother. It was her Grandmothers.
Years ago books were beautiful on the outside. .

From what I gather it is a song book. Not the typical song book that we are used to seeing.

This is the first page in the book.

This is the back cover.

This is the spine of the book.

A German book of Hymns and Spiritual Songs. I am not sure if the 1877 means may just be a number that the German printer delegated to this book as it was printed. I did a Internet search and found a book similar to this one on eBay, but it was not in as good of shape from 1892. So I will venture to guess that this one was published before 1900.

Somehow this book came to America, probably by ship..probably with a person.   Of course the person must have been able to read German.  I have never been able to grasp a foreign language although I did take three years of Latin in high school..which helps you identify words.. you can speak Latin I guess..I can still recite the Pledge of Allegiance..but only because I said it every morning in school for three years. The horrible conjugation of verbs...present, past  and past perfect used to drive me nuts, it was all memorization.  If conversational Latin ever becomes the "in" thing to participate in..I have a head start:)  


  1. What a treasured family heirloom you have in that songbook. It always amazes me the detail and artwork taken in the older items.

    Yep, I took a semester of Greek and Latin word study and a year of Spanish in college. Now look at me I say..ya'll and leave my 'g's off. Heeehehe!

    God bless and have a fun filled relaxin' weekend!!!

  2. What a beautiful, beautiful book.

    The interesting thing we have found with library books is they were bound better than today's books. The glue in newer books lets loose of the pages at the spines with very little wear.

  3. I'll bet that book is worth a small fortune. And even if it isn't, just because it is part or your family it is priceless.


  4. Beautiful songbook Connie and what a family treasure.

  5. That is a real treasure, Connie, no doubt. And it does look to be in really good shape for a more-than-century-old book. Lovely, too. Have a great weekend, relax and rest those new eyes a little!

  6. What a treasure. The family stories connected make it double treasure.

    It is beautiful.

  7. What a beautiful book! It looks leather bound. Even without being able to read a word it would be a pleasure to hold and look at. The detail is amazing. It would be wonderful to know the history behind it..who brought it over and when. Can you imagine how many beautiful books like this were destroyed by Hitler during those ordered book sad. This will be a treasured heirloom.

  8. That is a beautiful book. I love old books and old houses but I wish they could talk.

  9. Oh, I'm gasping in pure delight over the beauty of that book. Heavenly!

  10. I believe 1877 is the publication date. My German is almost non-existent, but it says something like:

    Berlin, Jonas Berlag bookshop

    You might want to take a look at how to care for leather. I know zilch about that, but I have seen badly deteriorated old leather. Although as they say, first do no harm.


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