Saturday, February 13, 2010

Eyeball Report

I am still having problems, my eyeball feels like it is swollen and bruised, and my head hurts.  This eye is nothing like the last is much more painful and very frustrating.  Far Guy took me to town this afternoon for a pair of reading glasses that allow me to read maybe this is the turning point. If not I will be in a fairly bad mood for a long time.  I have been silent, napping on the couch, minding my own business, staying out of trouble.. and just sleeping..I am still exhausted:(
Thumper said "If you can't say somethin nice, then don't say nothin at all."


  1. I am very sorry Connie. It makes it especially bad that you are feeling this way over the weekend when you cannot contact the dr. I sure hope you get to feeling better. Love and a big hug from me and the critters in Georgia.

  2. I am so sorry hope, hope the eyes will get better sooon. I bet Chance is sitting close by.
    Hugs Patsy

  3. Have you called the doctor's office? I know it's the weekend - - but IF there is a problem, it will respond better to rapid treatment. We will be praying it is just a slow post-operative recovery - - - but it is too different from the last surgery so please call a medical person. You are paying them to take care of you. Or do you have a nurse who lives near by? - - - I am just concerned for my new friend.

  4. Oooh, and it sounded as if everything was just doing fine, and now this.
    I'm sad for you.
    It may have required more surgery than the other eye, and so more trauma is involved.
    If it isn't feeling any better by Monday, then I'd be stopping by the doctor's office to let him examine it.
    Hugs to you friend...

  5. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this. Have you called the doctor to see if there is anything you can do? And are they concerned? :( I hope you feel better soon. Damn! :(
    (Didn't know Border Collies could cuss, did you?) Ha!

    Emma Rose

  6. Oh Connie I am sorry to hear you are still feeling rough. I agree with A Brit In Tenn - I bet this eye needed a bit more work causing the swelling and maybe you were under anesthesia a little longer too. It can certainly make you feel tired for several days. It won't be long before you will be seeing better and then you can say whatever you want -no holding back and being nice:)
    P.S. Thank you for the photo. I got it today.
    Love it.

  7. Thank you everyone, all my info says not to call unless the pain gets worse..or if your vision is affected. The pain is no worse than right after the just is not going away like last time..I am way tired of the headache and soreness. My distance vision is fine..and my close up vision is much better with the reading glasses..I have been out visiting blogs to keep me occupied!! I just have to be patient.
    Emma Rose..Does the Duchess know about your language! LOL
    Rae, Glad you got the photo! :)

  8. No guarantees, but it should be worth it in time. Not that I have any experience, but it seemed the only thing to say.

  9. Come on eyeballs - start doing your stuff!

    Hope the glasses help and let you read!

    Take care, hugs - Lady Fi

  10. I'm sorry, I sure hope you get to feeling better! Nothing is worse than things going wrong that in volve the head and eyes!

  11. I am sending you a prayer right now.

  12. more drugs? i'm so sorry the recovery takes so much time. i hate for you to be in pain.

  13. Rest and you will heal. There are no rules that you must do this or that. Take care of your self and do not try to rush your recovery.

    The body heals while resting.

    Sweet dreams!

  14. Poor you! This too will pass, enjoy being waited on this Valentines day by the Far Guy! Hugs!!

  15. Thinking of you!! If it's not better by Monday, I would call anyway!!

  16. My MIL had a very similar experience with the first eye goin' slick as a whistle and she said the second hurt. I do agree, if you are still having problems call the Dr., better safe than sorry. Who knows your body better than you?

    God bless and I'm prayin' everything is better by morning sweet lady!

  17. Maybe this one hurts worse because your body still feels some stress from the first one. I hope you feel better soon.

  18. I'm so sorry, Connie. I'm hoping by today (Tuesday) that you are doing better and that the pain is down or at least gone.


  19. I'm so sorry for your state. You will be better soon and saying all sorts of lovely things about your world.


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