Sunday, August 2, 2009

Adventures With Chance: The Scoop On Poop

Hey! I get to guest blog again today! I am supposed to tell you all about calf poop.... Far Side says I must come clean. I guess every dog has his day.

It all began very innocently, I was visiting Hooch and Odda, they have some new calves in the pasture. Far Side and Jo were looking at flowers, so Far Side was occupied and not watching me as closely as she should have been. I wandered into the pasture..

I spied this.. and proceeded to have the time of my life rolling in calf pies...what fun..nose to the ground..first to the left then to the right..I did a really good job. I was so happy and great smelling, I ran to show Far Side but forgot about my big ole bushy tail that I wave like a flag. Then something strange happened..I was zapped..I yelped..that got Far Sides attention. I ran to the car...she said "Oh Chance, you are a mess." Then she laughed right out loud, "Got zapped by the electric fence..good enough, maybe that will teach you." I got no sympathy from her. I wanted to go home right then, but she grabbed me by the highly perfumed scruff of my neck and proceeded to walk me toward one of the barns with a hose. Steve came out and laughed..he asked what happened? Far Side said "He rolled in hog shit." Steve said "That is not hog shit, that is calf shit..there is a difference." Far Side said "Really?"

Far Side has lots of rules about poop, no rolling in deer poop..I have that rule down pat and I avoid deer poop every day. I am supposed to poop at the edge of the woods or in the woods..check. She even made Far Guy mow an area deep in the trees for me to fertilize to my hearts content...she calls it the pooping area. She has never ever mentioned calf poop before. How was I to know?

I had to endure a cold water wash, before I was allowed in the car..Odda was quite sympathetic..Jo and Steve were laughing..I think Hooch was hiding. Far Side handed her camera over to Jo..good thing too because as she sprayed me off..she got some calf poop on her too. She smelled wonderful! When we got home, I ran immediately to Far Guy..with my ears down but still wagging my big fluffy tail..he said "Oh my, what did you get into?" Far Side told on me..Far Guy said " Why weren't you watching him closer?" Yah.. why wasn't she watching me the entire time? It is all her fault. I got a double bath..that would be a shampooing twice. The next time I went up to the farm, I stayed in the car even though the car door was open. Yesterday when Far Side went up there, I stayed right by her side..she did a really good job of watching me, the sights and smells of the farm are so delicious..but I just looked at those calves..and I stayed away from their wicked zappy fence and their beautiful smelling calf pies:)
Chance and Hooch on August 01, 2009


  1. This was one of the cutest things I have ever read

    Mountain Mama

  2. You have me rolling in the floor with this one!!!

  3. Thanks so much for the Sunday afternoon laugh! Sunny :)

  4. Chance,
    You are the most hilarious entertaining dog I have ever met. Far Side just doesn't appreciate the finer things in life - like cow poop. Too bad you didn't get any sympathy after that jolt you took. Poor boy. At least with two baths in one day you are looking extra handsome!! Maybe in the future you should just avoid poop altogether -deer, cow, pig, any variety.

  5. Rules about poop! That's so funny, but I guess I would too, if anyone would listen. Have a great week, Chance.

  6. My oh my you came clean in many ways didn't you!
    You should have known when you started rolling in it you were having to much fun.Where were your friends? Didn't they warn you? And to get Zapped on top of it and to get Poop on FarSide oh!! '
    I don't blame you I think I would stay in the yard with my friends to. To much Poop is bad for you!

  7. Oh Chance! All those wonderful smells and they washed them all away? Why do humans do stuff like that? I think if they ever tried rolling in calf pies they might like it too! (The Duchess says no way).

    Emma Rose

  8. All that hard work getting the coat smell and texture just right and it all goes down the drain. I'm feeling for ya. Have you tasted any of it yet? We only have horse poop here but it's quite tasty.

    Java (another MN dog)

  9. Oh that's funny! Every dog deserves a roll in the calf poop now and then!

  10. Our Barney and your Chance could really have a hay day together in any farm lot. When Barney comes to the door and has this smug expression on his face, I know that I need to get the garden hose and wash his jowls down and he has been scenting himself. I still love my dog. I complain a lot while cleaning him up though. I have better things to do. I love the Shelty. She is so pretty and probably gets along with Chance real well.

  11. gaaaaaaaaaaag ralph bllech. ha ha

  12. Great story Chance! Our Borders are often green with sheep poop, you should see if you can find some of it. They say that it is really the best poop to slide in. I'm sure Far Side won't mind sheep poop.

  13. Anna was reading over my shoulder just now and says that the pattern on your shoulder is cool.

  14. I haven't been on in severl days but that was a really cute pop entry.
    sure did make me smile and I haven;t done that in a few days.Can't type anymore as my hands are shaking to much. Lilly


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