Monday, August 3, 2009

Foggy Morning

Chance and I were up before the sun, as daylight approached it became more foggy..until it was pretty soupy. We found this spot to watch the sun finally break through the fog. The Spotted Knapweed or Centaurea maculosa is in fine form. I have watched this noxious weed/wildflower take over our ditches one by one. I read recently that it might be an allelopathic plant..which means that it chemically changes the soil to discourage other plants from growing. Goats, they are the answer.. they will eat anything, I told Far Guy that if I had a few goats I could get a job as a Natural Spotted Knapweed Eradicator...Chance could herd something beside a ball:)


  1. You could be like the goat lady in New York city that takes her goats out everyday to eat up weeds and growth that the city doesn't want to hire people to do. She unloads early in the morning then reloads them up again in horse trailers. Chance would love to heard them back to the trailer each day. I haven't heard of that weed but I am seeing new things growing in our ditches that I wonder where they have come. We do a lot of wildflower planting along our four lane near us and it is really neat.

  2. I like these pictures in the fog...they turned out great!

  3. Oh my- Chance would have a field day with those goats. Goat poop to roll in. Maybe you better hold off on that. Love your new header and these foggy morning photos are fantastic. Your photography skills are awesome. Have you taken classes or is this talent something you acquired?

    I always meant to ask you if Chance hearded anything. The border collie I had for 14 years hearded the birds. Border collies are wonderful dogs and truly the smartest breed.

  4. I'm back! The fog was bad this morning... and the purple knapweed (that d___ stuff) I hate it. It has devoured our ditches into our trees and into my yard and into the horse pasture. I've always wanted goats too! But I have to work a bit harder on my other half --

  5. Wow - what a great picture! Chance and goats...that might work!

  6. Goats sound like lot's of fun to me!

    Kisses for Chance,
    Emma Rose

  7. And goat's milk, goat's milk cheese, sounds good to me...

  8. I love mornings such as these. Wow, you really captured the morning you experienced!
    Connie, thank you so much for stopping by my blog each and every day offering your kind words of encouragement and prayers. Knowing how many people were thinking of us through these past days has given me such strength, knowing I am not alone. I am so lucky to have such wonderful blogging friends!

  9. Goats! Nope, not for this chick but a few sheep might be okay. I hate knapweed with a passion and at least we don't have any around here.

  10. great photos...

    as for the weed...good family deals with a nuisance weed where they are and it's always an uphill battle...

  11. Morning mist sure is beautiful! Great photos.


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