Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Yesterday was all about Teamwork. The first part of our day involved medical teamwork. It was our second appointment with Dr P in Fargo.. I was not sure if he was worthy of joining our team, or if he would want to join an old lady and a Border Collie in the care of Far Guy. He was more personable this time, which helped to put Far Guy at ease. I think he just might work out, now if he doesn't move away or croak we will be a great team. So far Far Guy is managing pretty good on the new dosages and forms of Tegretol and Neurontin that he takes for his Trigeminal Neuralgia. So we will keep, keeping on and see Doctor P again in three months. He likes to keep close tabs on his patients...I like that! He also related that TN is such a forgotten disorder that very little research is being done.

We were invited to the Buffalo Bluff for lunch, and what a lunch it was. Buffalo Gal out did herself with BBQ's, potato salad, pickles, watermelon and a to die for dessert called Raspberry Rice. She can cook!! A good time was had by all, they are a team out there on their beautiful bluff. We got to meet Miss Kitty..she is beautiful and a very lucky member of their team..I cannot believe that she is eleven years old! A few years ago Buffalo Gals Blog was the very first blog I ever read. I am pleased to be part of a local blogging team of great women and men that keep our area voices alive!

Miss Kitty

We left the Buffalo Bluff and headed back into Fargo to pick up the Fire Truck that had been undergoing some tests and some small repairs at various places throughout the day. The Chief's son Adam got the truck to it's first destination and from there the business owners moved the truck along during the day. It's last stop was an alright Tire place. As usual, when some parts of your team don't do their part..things can get messy..and Far Side gets Cranky! Far Guy went in to get the keys and I waited outside, it was taking forever, finally Far Guy came out and asked me "What credit card do you want me to use to pay for this truck, because they won't let me leave without settling up the bill?. " WHAT?? Obviously someone has miscommunicated. I went inside, the dude could not find the bill, he was searching everywhere..he just had it, but now it has disappeared. We call the Chief for instructions, the repair company in DL is taking care of the bill, but we still need a purchase order. Finally a purchase order number is obtained..the dude still has not found the bill, and cannot tell us exactly what they did to the tires. He is clearly an imbecile, since we are allowed to leave with the truck ..I abstain from tearing him a new asshole. Your team or your business is only as good as it's weakest team player.

I left Far Guy in the dust at DL, I needed to get home and make some phone calls. One of which was to inform the Chief that Far Guy had no keys to get into the Fire Hall, and that he would need a ride home. No answer, FINE.. I finished my calls, and Chance and I took the keys to the Fire Hall and helped Far Guy load the truck back up again..all ready for rescues.. by a highly trained team of volunteers.

Throughout the day, I thought about Chance, he had to stay home because of the heat. It is finally summer here. Mid August and summer finally showed up! One of our neighbors, Jo, had the situation well in hand and played ball with Chance several times during the day. She also checked on him much later in the day than I had requested..we were held up by the imbecile at the tire place..and there was also a note "Come for supper when you get home" It is great to be part of the neighborhood dog team. Supper was great and the company was doggone divine! :)


  1. How lucky you are to have good neighbors. I only have one and he is determined to recreate Sanford and Son in his yard and the lot between us.

  2. You crack me up!!!!!!! I spent the day on the phone with imbeciles. In fact, I'm beginning to think the imbeciles are winning. Harriet

  3. Goodness...that's a lot of drama for one day!

  4. Sounds like a good day-and summer's here too (finally).

  5. OH CONNIE~ You could be my partner in crime or anything else that comes along....ANYDAY!!!

    You don't mince words and I like that!!

    Fire Trucks, Flowers, and CHANCE! What a beautiful combination!
    ....Keep on dancing....cause you sing a fine tune!

  6. I agree, Miss Kitty does not look her age.


  7. What a great friend and neighbor to have.

  8. I am cautiously hopeful about Far Guy's new Dr. Do you think the guy at the tire place used to work in a neurology office!!!!!! Give Chance a smooch from Harriet.

  9. I wish I had a neighbor to let my dog out during the day or when I get held up somewhere. I hate how long she ends up cooped up but can't afford doggy daycare. I hope the doctor works out okay.

  10. Again, just a delight. Reminds me of where I grew up, to have your neighbors become your friends, to feel the sense of community and common good. My mother and one man together raised money and started up the first volunteer ambulance company in (or anywhere near) our small town. It's been going strong for 35+ years, just on community support!!

    Great blog.

  11. I'm tired just reading all that. Still the beginning and the end, especially that - were good!

  12. I love neighbors like that!! Shiny new truck, I'd have wanted to drive IT home.

  13. Hi! Your Miss Kitty looks just like my Minka Kitty....except Minka has blue eyes....:) Maria


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