Thursday, November 10, 2022

Yesterday happenings

A Winter storm in on the way.  Far Guy moved the snowblower next to the door and I grabbed a shovel from the garage.  The last few patio things were put away...chairs and table, watering can and Baxter's water dish. 

I decided to run errands in town and stop by the Nursing Home to see my Dad...he was having a good day and knew who I was and was very happy to see me...he grabbed my hand and didn't want to let go.   I am not sure how much he understood but I updated him on Deer Hunting ( she who sees robins first got a doe), Josh is building a three stall garage, that it was November 9th and that we were going to get a snow storm, the price of gas ($3.49 a gallon) and that it was Election Day yesterday and they are all crooks. 

Dad's go to phrase is "I don't know."  He asked me how many cars I had and if I could take him away and bring him back later.  I said "Not today" and that seemed to pacify him.

I cleaned two more drawers in the bathroom and Far Guy cleaned his drawer because he wanted to get in on the fun too.  The drawers are all done!  I may tackle the bathroom closet soon...or not. 

I had 22 more Christmas cards to finish I worked on them.  

We gave the gas fireplace a test run...just in case the storm knocks out the power.  Always something to look forward to up here in the boonies. 

Far Side

Brown season soon to be white season.


  1. It is 65 degrees here this morning!
    Things are to change quickly and I see your state is looking at storm/blizzards as we are looking at thunderstorms a temp of up to 70 and a drop of temps of 30+ degrees tonight.

    Stay safe!

  2. Glad to hear your dad was having a good day. It is cold here, but nothing like you get up your way. Hope the storm passes uneventfully. :-)

  3. We are blessed to have marriages where we work as a team - - - even on the mundane ordinary things as well as the crafty items. My husband has become such a help at the grocery store. We basically split the list. At home, he automatically loads the dishwasher and often empties it for me, too. He is not a cook at all but I cook at least six out of seven days. I don't mind and it is often healthier and of course more economical than a restaurant.
    We do enjoy being together and have found our "teamwork" pattern more in retirement than we did while working. At that time, we were both busy with jobs and trying to stay on top of all a house required for daily upkeep.

  4. Those good days with your dad are a small blessing. No snow predicted for us, but we did get a little more rain overnight. We had "brown season" all winter last year, so I'm really looking forward to a "white season". Hope it eventually happens.

  5. I look forward so much to your daily updates on life. Everyday things that need done and it makes you realize that everyone has the same kind of trials in their lives. Mom had a very confused day yesterday. Tuesday was great. You just never know what it will be when you visit or call.
    Our temps dropped 40 degrees in the past few hours. Still just rain as we're above freezing for now, but that will change in a couple of more hours.
    Dennis and I do pretty much everything together since he retired. Except the craft stuff here at the apartment. I find myself spending more money at the store because he puts unexpected things into the cart! :-)
    Be safe in the storm my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. You live in a beautiful part of the boonies!

  7. I'm happy to share the snow, we've had plenty already. I do hope the storm doesn't take out your power.
    Perhaps your Dad will come to like the nursing home though I suspect his dementia is impacting his feelings. When my Dad first went to the home, he was quite upset and blamed me for the move. But in time, he learned to enjoy it and one of his most infamous lines was, "It's great in here, they'll even wipe your bum for you." :)

  8. Sounds like you are all set for the storm. I hope it's not too bad. We are just going to get rain and some cooler temperatures... for now! Stay safe!

  9. You are good at those yearly cleaning tasks. Your Dad is still a blessing. Hold his hand as long as you can.

  10. Temperatures are dropping in the Twin Cities. It's been raining on and off. If it continues it will become snow. We hooked a generator up to the house several years ago. It is no good to be without water when you have livestock!

  11. Snow will brighten up the brown at least.
    I am pleased for you that your dad knew you. Something to be grateful for for sure.

  12. I'm glad you are all organised to meet Winter. Stay safe and warm :) xx

  13. Has to be so wonderful when he recognizes you and for him to hold your hand and not want to let go!!
    Yup--prepping before the storm. Wonder how it will go.

  14. Be prepared... my mantra for everything!
    I would have preferred to wait until December for the snow... oh well...
    With Ted and I both retired we have worked out a rhythm to our daily lives.
    I cook but he bbqs. I do the dishes and laundry, he vacuums. It all works well.

  15. It's wise to be prepared for nasty weather.

  16. With only 44 days until Christmas I think I'll get out my Christmas cards and start addressing the envelopes. That part seems to take me the longest.
    Talked with my Manitoba sister today and she also talked about the coming storm and possibility of a good dump of snow. I'm glad I live in B.C.

  17. I like that picture! Haven't heard about snow coming...but hope you guys can keep it to yourselves!!! :) we have to travel over Thanksgiving so praying for good roads for travel that week! Hope you don't get much snow! Take good care. Glad your dad was having a good day.

  18. Nice to spend time with your dad on a good day. You have such a pretty area to enjoy in all kinda weather!!


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