Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Into the Hills

 Sunday was a decent day...it wasn't snowing but it had snowed...and it snowed yesterday too and it seems to be the word for the whole week. 

Anyway we went to recycle and then went for a trail ride into the nearby hills.  Ranger Blue has a great heater and as long as you wear warm boots you could spend all day trail riding!   Ranger Blue will do fine in some snow but when the drifts get too deep it is time to stay on well traveled township roads.   My baby brother has tracks for his Ranger so he can go anywhere he wants all winter! 

We checked out the road to the tower and then we went over to the beaver  area.

Monday I spent 20 minutes in the Post Office mailing Christmas Ornaments so they are on the way.   The roads were slippery.  We got a couple of inches of new white stuff...I do believe that Winter is here. 

Far Side


  1. I think I might become depressed where you live in wintertime. Snow always pulls me down. I guess one gets used to it as those who live in the desert get accustomed to that heat.

  2. I like the idea of the Ranger - it sounds like you're well enclosed and can stay warm unlike riding a snowmobile.

  3. As long as your are toasty warm the adventures would be fun. The beaver hutch is large.

  4. It’s been a bitter, cold start to the week and no sign of warmth for the remainder of the week.

  5. Ahhhh, the snow! It is snowing here and the gravel roads are really quite slippery which I expected. I think it will warm up a bit and make everything just wet...maybe.

    The Ranger is awesome. You get to to out and check things out.

  6. I was shivering looking at your photos. Hopefully we won’t get snow for a while here in the Deep South.

  7. Ranger sounds like a great way to get out when it's cold out.

  8. The Ranger can get you out and about in the wintertime, for sure. :)

  9. I love the versatility of Ranger Blue - - - a four season vehicle! I am so thankful you all bought it because you have had some wonderful rides around your area. You all really appreciate the nature God created for us!

  10. I remember the first snow machines with out much protection. they didn't have hand warmers.

  11. Tracks for Ranger Blue would be a great idea if they are not too expensive.

  12. I'm afraid you're right.....winter is here. It can't seem to stop snowing. I am hoping the roads will be better next week when we have to travel for Thanksgiving. Your rides around the trails sound nice and I like the pictures you posted. So nice you can be toasty warm when riding in that contraption. Enjoy!


  13. Ranger Blue sounds like so much fun. As long as my feet stay warm, I would love cruising the countryside!

  14. If you have to have such long, cold winters, at least you find ways to enjoy it. Good for you.

  15. How fun! Are you going to get tracks for your Ranger so you can go everywhere too? We've only had flurries. Everyday we've had flurries and it's been bitterly cold because of the wind.

  16. Nice to have Ranger all ready for anything, even snow and ice. :-)

  17. Sounds like a fun outing, we need to get up to our woods now before the snow gets too deep.


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