Saturday, February 19, 2022

Snowy day

 We had a quiet snowy day here in the woods.  I did a couple of loads of laundry and cleaned the jets in the whirlpool tub…dishwasher soap and really hot water and let the jets run for about twenty minutes followed by a cold water rinse. 

Both of my brothers and their wives visited and Baxter who was a bit shy to begin with…but he warmed up after a few treats.  So good to see them all again.

We were not supposed to be in the blizzard here but it snowed and blowed.

My other baby brothers wife “she who sees robins first” shared some photos of the road out of here.  No one is going anyplace until the snowplow goes.

It is wicked out there.

Looking toward Steve and Jo’s house.  Over the years we have seen this road being a sea of snow many times.  It was one of the reasons we moved our mail box. 

Far Guy spoke to his sister and her family via FaceTime. His sister is only awake for very short times and then she drifts off to sleep. 

We hope the roads are cleared in the morning, we will see. Another storm is coming in early next week. 

Far Side


  1. We haven't had a storm like that here for a few years. I can recall one year snowshoeing to our mailbox and finding standing above it on a drift.
    Looks like you will be staying put until the roads are cleaned up!
    We are supposed to get snow on Monday and Tuesday.
    Fresh snow would make this old snowy icy stuff look nicer!

  2. Wow. That is what we have, as well!

  3. Look at all that beautiful snow! Send some down here!!

  4. The road to the old farm often looked like that and we were the reason school was canceled sometimes for days until the got it cleared.

  5. Those roads sure don't look like anyone should be out driving on them!

  6. That does look wicked. I think I'd stay inside, too.

  7. I suspect it felt good to be home for a couple of days. This has been such a strange winter for us - with no snowdrifts at all. When spring arrives and everything is still dry as a bone we'll wish we had seen some snow this winter. We need that moisture.

  8. You've defintiely got more snow than us. Mother Nature is good at reminding us she's way more powerful when she wants to be. What's the saying? "You don't mess with mother nature!"
    Stay safe, and stay warm!

  9. That was a nasty storm. I hope the roads are clear for you in the morning. I'm sure you'd like to get back to Far Guy.

  10. Oh my word, Connie... I don't think Santa Claus could even get through those drifts!!! WOW!!! I can feel the cold & wind right through these pictures! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  11. When you get snow, you really get snow! Be safe and enjoy being home for a bit.

  12. Looks nasty! I’m glad you’re not out on those roads.

  13. It really is wicked weather. I am so tired of the cold and snow would make it miserable. Be careful. I hope your are not stranded there for much longer.

  14. That certainly is a lot of snow and another storm coming!!! Stay safe.

  15. Must feel good to be back home for a while. Not the best weather for it, though.
    Glad you got visitors and that FarGuy got to facetime with his sister.
    Have a peaceful time--indoors. ;)

  16. It took some more snowblowing (yesterday and today) for us to be able to move about. First thing this morning there was no wind, didn't take long for it to pick back up again. Enjoy your little home-cation!

  17. WOW that IS snow. We don't understand snow like that here on the farm. There is a sundog also so colder weather heading in to you again.

  18. I feel ashamed for complaining about our weather. I only complain in my head but still seeing your road I am repentant of my ugly thoughts.

  19. Bless Far Guy for going to see his sister. Godspeed all along the way.
    It is cold down here but not snowy right now the sun is shining brightly.
    Southern Indiana about 60 miles from New Albany.

  20. We still don't have ANY snow. After seeing yours I feel terribly guilty for being happy about our situation. I keep waiting for us to get dumped on and then it misses us my mere miles, and not very many miles either.
    We still have to get through March. The long term forecasts say next year will be much snowier for us. How can they tell that far?
    I'm so glad you were able to visit with family and that Far Guy facetimed with his sister. Hard days ahead, but with God you will all make it through.
    Blessings and love,

  21. Sending good vibes that the road will be cleared tomorrow morning. We had wind and snow today too. But we don't have anywhere we have to be. Hugs to all of you.

  22. Lots of storms of one kind or another around at the moment. Stay safe.

  23. Those roads are really blocked. I used to se that when I was a kid but not anymore.

  24. Continued prayers for the situation with Far Guy's sister. So very sad.

  25. Glad you made it back home safely. Better stay hunkered down until the nasty weather has past. We got the same thing yesterday...terrible blowing snow making travel impossible. Praying for far guy's dear sister.

  26. Driving in those conditions is the one thing I DON’T miss about Minnesota!

  27. That's a doozie of a storm! Sit tight until the plows come through!

  28. Those roads look just like the roads in Alberta, I don't miss having to deal with that.


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