Monday, February 21, 2022

Snow again

 It seems the winter storms are back to back. 

This is our patio, a photo I took when we were back home.  It is the most snow we have seen in many years.

If I had put the snow stick up it would be totally covered. 

Back home they are getting another blizzard Monday and Tuesday.  That one will miss us...but then we had bad weather up here on Saturday and Sunday.   

We took care of Sadie while Andy and Jen went to a movie.  Sadie and I had a nice nap!  I made Naan bread pizza for supper.  In the evening we played Hand and Foot and they finally let me win. 

Far Guy facetimed with his sister again yesterday, she was a bit more alert than the day before.  Brother In Law Ron felt a bit better too as he was finally able to get some sleep.   Ron, their daughter Bethany and son in law RJ are all taking turns caring for Jan at home. 

Far Side


  1. That is a lot of snow. Here we had a big melt and all the grass is showing. I'll take that over snow any day; that way the snowplow can't fill up the end of my driveway so
    i can't go anywhere. Stay safe in all this crazy weather.

  2. I am glad that FG's sister was a little more alert. She is so fortunate to have family to take care of her at home during this time. And that is a LOT of snow!

  3. Wow, that sure is a lot of snow! I'm glad to hear Far Guy's sister was more alert when they facetimed. I'm glad she is surrounded by family to care for her.

  4. You did get a lot of snow! It's wonderful that your SIL can be at home. The sleepiness is from the painkillers, I'm sure. It was like with Jim, I wanted to spend time with him conscious but I didn't want him to's fine line. I wish you all the best.

  5. Wow - that is a LOT of snow! We might see a couple of inches here later in the day, or into tomorrow. I'm not holding my breath over it. We've had just a cold brown winter so far.

  6. Great winter photo with very clean white snow and shadows.

  7. I am jealous you got a nap with a puppy.

  8. Old Man Winter isn't done yet.
    Surrounded by loving family to care for you is a blessing. Keeping her and family in my prayers.

  9. Whoa, that is a lot of snow, especially in the woods. Aren’t you glad you have a steel roof so it will slide off without causing roof damage. I imagine “June” is quite large this year, too.

  10. Well, I was wondering about the snow stick, of course! Hearing that it would be completely covered gives me perspective of how much snow you have. A lot!
    My heart goes out to FG's sister and all of her loved ones. This is a tough end of life to deal with.

  11. Lots and lots of snow at your place. Meanwhile we haven't had ANY for a couple of months. We have a slight chance of an inch or so later this week. One of these days we'll get dumped on.
    So glad that Jan has so many people who love her and are taking care of her too. Family is such a blessing at these difficult times.
    Blessings and love,

  12. We might get some snow instead of ice this week. Maybe. Watching a loved one pass on slowly is heart wrenching. To put it mildly. So sorry. This part of life is hard.

  13. We are having a heatwave yesterday when temperatures reached the 50's and today when we got to the 60's. I had my elementary grandkids today since there was no school. It was hard to keep them out of the mud, puddles and remaining slush. Temperatures are headed down and by Thursday night we might get enough snow to close schools on Friday. My fingers are crossed that we have a week free of snow days!!!

  14. Glad you've got a safe and warm place to be during all this winter activity. I'm glad that far guy is face timing with his sister, as hard as that must be when you're saying goodbye. Your pizza sounds good...glad they finally let you win!

  15. I've been catching up on reading your blog, and am sorry to hear about Far Guy's sister (I lost a brother that way). Your roads sound scary, so I am glad your hubby is such a good driver to keep you both safe.
    Take care, Mxx

  16. I. Frozen just looking at you photos.

  17. It seems like winter is never going to end. Our little warm spell made it actually worst when it returned to normal winter.

  18. We're nearly through winter!
    Glad you can communicate this way with loved ones.

  19. I did wonder if you put up the snow stick before you left. Now I know. Anyway, glad technology helps with communicating with loved ones despite weather and distance.


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