Wednesday, February 9, 2022


 Someone asked me if I was homesick.  

Nope, as long as Far Guy is with me I am not homesick.  

Do I miss our home in the woods?   Yes I miss some things that are there...the whirlpool tub and Ranger Blue and just going for a ride when ever we want and my cast iron skillet.  I also miss seeing my brothers and my parents, but I talk to them on the phone and in a few months we will be back there.  

We are waiting for our Accountant to finish our Income taxes and we will make a trip back to sign them and then they get sent electronically.  So we will see everyone then if they are not sick!

I am certain I will miss many things here...the security of having backup when ever I need it to take care of Far Guy... Jen, Andy, Adam, Little Elvis who has adopted us and Sadie who greets us like long lost friends every morning.  Playing games together in the evenings and having movie nights.  We watched the new Ghost Busters movie last weekend.   We will miss our new beds so we ordered a new bed for our home in the woods.  

I like having Far Guy close to his ten minutes to fifteen minutes we can be at the Clinic.

Living in town is different, but this area of town is quiet ...some days I can hear the trains go by depends on which way the wind is from....oh yes the saying here is "It is sure cold/hot/rainy/snowy but at least it is windy." The wind never quits. 

A trail at home last November!

Far Side


  1. New bed and so nice you got to "test" it at their house. I don't like wind. That is one thing about where I live now...rarely is it windy. I can remember being on the farm in Iowa and working outside all day and feeling like someone beat me up because of the wind. We could use some here in the summer...a nice breeze but no. I guess you can't have everything. Plus, I don't think I have ever gotten a mosquito bite here. It will be nice to go home for a bit and see your family there. I hope they are all well.

  2. Everything has pro's & con's. It is nice you get to enjoy both scenarios.

  3. It seems you have peace of mind where you are now. I'm sure that eases any potential homesickness.

  4. You are letting go of self and gathering in others. Seems like winter has been here forever. I need more sun.

  5. When you go back home to the woods, it might feel like you are on vacation. Like the city folk who have summer cabins up there. I'm sure it has been really nice to have that peace of mind being close to the doctors.

  6. You are blessed with two wonderful homes <3

  7. Your title had me thinking about what this post would be about.

  8. I remember living in Kansas and how windy it was there. Wind bothers me more than cold, especially now that I'm in the "can't stay warm" part of life. Alana

  9. As Aurora said, everything has pro's & con's. It sounds as if life is really good at Andy and Jen's. Next winter, you can take your cast iron skillet! :-) I can't imagine leaving Little Elvis and Sadie, knowing what dog people you two are. I know exactly what you mean about no homesickness when you're with Far Guy. I'm that way with Dennis. I love him working at home now.
    Blessings and love,

  10. Ah what a nice post ~ like the seasons a little change can be good. Looking forward to seeing you in the spring!

  11. It's been a good way to spend these months, and being close to FG's doctors is a real plus. You're not the only ones who are going to miss Sadie, so will I! :-)

  12. Not having to drive hour(s) and to drive in the snow and ice is a huge blessing.

  13. I suppose it's just natural to have mixed feelings about "moving back home". Either way you'll miss some things for sure. Especially Little Elvis and Sadie.

  14. Being close to the doctors sure has its benefits. Sadie will miss you, so she should come for visits!
    But the woods are nice too. I know that if I spend a day or so away from the farm, I miss our hills and the valley.
    We may be lucky enough to get a primary care doctor close to home! Whoot!
    Enjoy the rest of this winter!

  15. How much one misses someone or something depends on how one feels at any given time

  16. Always windy in Fargo, too.
    Home is wherever FarGuy is. A new bed won't hurt, either. ;)
    It has to be so nice to have backup and company whenever you need or want it. :)

  17. I like being near a town, we've been doing cancer treatments for years.

  18. Great thoughts you're putting out there today! Hope you can go home to sign your taxes and visit with everybody for a bit. How nice to have two great places to live! I'd like that too! Game time and movie nights sound great! and sweet animals around to visit with. Enjoy each day...wherever you happen to be!

  19. There is something calm and wonderful about this post.

  20. The wind is always a-blowin' in Kansas (lots of stories of pioneer women going crazy from it). It's good to have folks who can give you help and strengthen you along the path of a family member's health care. (I know firsthand it's hard - and lonely - trying to do it all when there is no other option.) I'm sure there will be so much you guys will miss when you return home... but being home is so comfortable, too. How sweet to have Elvis and Sadie look forward to you guys every day with joy! Keeping FG and you and all of your family in prayer! One day at a time! Blessings!

  21. It sounds like the perfect place to spend the witer. And you cam pick up your cast iron skillet when you're back home doing the taxes.

  22. It was a great thing to winter over up there. I am thinking that Far Guy did improve a lot being closer to doctors and having some good safety during the Minnesota winters. You may have to take Sadie home with you. I bet that won't happen.

  23. I wondered and figured as much on all of this. Glad you've had this opportunity though!

  24. I love that as long as Far Guy is with you you're not homesick; it's beautiful that you feel home is wherever Far Guy is.


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