Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Another Snowy Day

 It was snowy and blowing again...most of Minnesota had blizzard conditions.   We are thankful that we are in town. 

Jen and I went out to do some errands.  Far Guy puppy sat Sadie.

I took this photo while waiting in the car.  The North Dakota field has some black dirt...so windy that the snow blows away to Minnesota.  The wind was cold...somewhere in the -25 F windchill. 

Andy made prime rib, popovers and cooked carrots for supper...really yummy!  

Far Side


  1. Today we are having rain/ice. Roads are a solid sheet of ice. I made hubby work from home today - not taking any chances on the roads. My Bible Study was cancelled also. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

  2. When I lived in SE WI, which is flat and full of crop fields we'd get that too. We call that dirt-snow Snud. Snow-mud.
    In recent years I've seen a lot of fields going no till or cover crop to protect the topsoil.

    Anyway, I saw on the news that blizzard conditions got pretty bad in places!

  3. It looks cold and dark there, but isn't that pretty normal for your area? Glad you are safe and warm. We lost power last night (and heat) for about an hour.

  4. I won't tell you that we are going to be in the high sixties today! Only problem with our warmer weather is there will probably not be enough cold to decrease some insect populations.
    I am so thankful you are "in town" this winter with your daughter's family. You probably miss your home but it is good to be nearer to medical facilities - - - and to get to share cooking duties! We enjoy hearing your menus.

  5. That is way to cold to even think about being outside! Stay warm!!

  6. We've only gotten about an inch of snow, but it's so bitter cold and windy. Brrrr! Schools are mostly having late starts this morning due to 30 below wind chills. Stay warm!

  7. My goodness you have some yummy meals there with Andy and Jen. I love prime rib. I think it's my favorite meat.
    We're also having a ground blizzard today. Winds topping 40 mph from the north making wind chills -30F. Only about half inch of snow but the wind is whipping it around as you well know. It's a good day to stay inside. I'll just have to walk over to Mom's to help her with her insulin later today. I may walk through the grass and avoid the icy hill.

  8. Does that mean Far Guy and Sadie had a nap?
    Food reports make me hungry.
    Take care, stay warm.

  9. Oh man, Connie, that picture looks COLD! It's raining here today, in northern-most Indiana, and we even have a little thunder. It sounds & looks just like spring out there. I hope spring-like weather comes to you folks too real soon. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  10. Gosh, your dinner sounds delicious!! You are sure blooming where you are planted this winter. We are about 10 degrees cooler today than yesterday with a downward spike tonight leading to what might be a blizzard (or not, depending on the exuberance of the weather people) on Thursday night. Personally I am hoping school buses can safely run on a Friday.

  11. Brrr - that just looks cold
    It's 11C and raining today, but by the weekend its supposed to drop to -10C and snow... it's roller coaster season for us!

  12. The bitter wind chills in Wyoming today and probably through most of the week. It’s a good time to stay inside.

  13. North Dakota seems so far away from where I live. I know your big city sits on the Dakota side. I hope you don't have to go out today.

  14. Brrr, that is so cold. Keep warm and stay safe :) xx

  15. Oh that supper sounds good!
    WE think we are cold today at 34 and snow flurries.

  16. Whoa! Prime rib and popovers might make visiting that kind of cold and snow worthwhile!

  17. Okay. I don't have any snow to send you but do I have have some bitterly cold temperatures on their way.

  18. It's just one storm after another out your way. February is determined to go out in a series of blizzards.

  19. Your dinner sounds delicious! How nice that you can have somebody cook once in a while. Stay safe and warm you guys!

  20. Your dinner sounded wonderful! Evidently no more dinners like that for me...my barbecued ribs just about did me in! Enjoy it while you can! LOL!

  21. Mmmmm, popovers! I haven’t had those for ages. I wish I could share some of our warmth and sunshine with you.

  22. I'd be home with Sadie, too--LOL!
    Have a warm day today. :)

  23. Not the type of weather I would like to be out in

  24. There have been a lot of storms this Winter. If you're still getting them by the time I'm getting around to commenting on this, stay safe.


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