Thursday, February 3, 2022

Adventures in food

 Jen and Andy are introducing us to different foods.  

One night it was a P.B.E.B.  Translated is is a burger with Peanut Butter, Egg and Bacon.  Far Guy tried it...I did not...way to many foods all together for my compartmentalized stomach.  

The next night it was Louisiana Chicken Pasta, they let me have my chicken separate and I had no mushrooms.  Far Guy really liked it,  I ate it...the pasta was cooked perfectly and the garlic bread served along side was delicious!   I should have taken a photo because it was a very pretty dish.  Very pleasing to the eye.   I would eat it again in a couple of months. 

The kitchen here is very large and many people can be cooking, dicing and slicing all at once, or just sitting at the island watching others cook!  Sadie often falls asleep on my feet waiting for me to drop something.

Ever watchful...wondering when it is their turn to eat again...they are always fed first before people.

Far Guy and I went out for breakfast date one morning after a Doctors appointment.  We asked for our check and someone had paid it for nice was that!  

Far Side


  1. Oh that is super sweet!
    Elvis and Sadie sure look like they are poor starving critters... laughing, just kidding!

  2. The food sounds very good and lucky you having someone pay your bill for you. Renews my faith that there still are good people out there. Wish I had a bigger kitchen. Stay warm and safe.

  3. Good news that Far Guy felt like going out to eat.

  4. The check-paying person gave me a smile this morning. Bet he or she hasn't realized their kindness goes a long way.

  5. I love trying new foods and flavors. What a wonderful random act of kindness that someone paid your check! I love hearing nice things like that, especially in today's world.

  6. I've seen that burger on a couple of menus, but haven't been brave enough to try it. The pasta sounds wonderful. I'm having a love/hate relationship with food right now - and am so sick of cooking.

  7. I'm not sure about the burger with peanut butter, egg, and bacon but I am always up for trying things unless it has insects or weird meat parts. Darling picture of the pups. That was always my rule too...nobody eats until the animals are taken care of.
    That was so nice that someone paid fro your breakfast! It's a nice reminder that there are loving, kind, and generous people out there. BTW, we still have power this morning and it is snowing...PTL!

  8. That was very nice of someone to pay for your meal. There are truly good people out ther.

    The Louisiana pasta sounds good. I'd eat the burger minus the peanut butter. :)

  9. I'll try just about anything food wise. But I probably wouldn't have had seconds on the burger as peanut butter is not one of my favorites. It is okay but just not something I crave like others apparently do.

  10. Oh no... not this girl... peanut butter with an egg? Nuh-uh! No way! The egg & bacon on a hamburger, yes indeed... but absolutely no peanut butter. Nope! *haha* Out for breakfast sounds so nice. I can't wait to do that sort of thing again. The COVID numbers in our county are still through the roof so it's meals at home for awhile yet, for us. I'm dreaming of a reuben omlette from the local mom & pop diner around the corner though... haven't been there in over 2 years. ~Andrea xoxo

  11. Peanut butter and egg? Nope. But bacon on my burger? Definitely yes.
    We haven't had breakfast out in ages. I'm so glad to hear about someone buying your breakfast. It restores my hope in the world a little bit. Bet they didn't realize how many people would learn of their kindness and be encouraged by it. :-)
    Those pups. Our rule is always that the animals are cared for first. They depend on us and trust us so much. Little Sadie is going to miss you when you return home in the spring. You'll have her trained well.

  12. What a nice surprise to have a stranger pick up your tab.

  13. I am a picky eater too, but I would not have picked out the mushrooms. Garlic bread? No! I can't stand garlic, which makes it very difficult to eat out.
    I do want to pet that pup.

  14. How nice someone treated you to breakfast! We were joking about burgers today because we have 10" of snow and more falling. And we are out of sliced cheese! Can we eat a burger without cheese? I just told Mr Merry about Peanut Butter and Egg instead. He said No.

  15. What a wonderful surprise on your breakfast date! That burger? I could eat the EB part of it, but not the PB part (I detest peanut butter!!).

  16. Thank you to the silent benefactors, and thank you for such an interesting post. I can't imagine beef and peanut butter together, but it takes all kinds, ya know. :-)

  17. If the peanut butter is the salty variety I bet it would be good. I never understood why people put eggs on everything. I have to have them for my diet for breakfast so I don't need more eggs on my evening hamburgers. I love seeing the dogs looking for opportunities.

  18. I love peanut butter with chicken, and with cold noodles (my husband makes a yummy cold noodle with peanut butter, sesame seed oil and scallions), but peanut butter and an egg on a burger. No. It is good to know there are still kind people in this world; sometimes it seems all there exists is hate. Alana

  19. I would have to be extremely hungry before I'd eat a PBEB. My DH would have eaten it and maybe asked for jam to top it with.

  20. How nice that somebody bought your breakfast! What a lovely thing to do! Sounds like you two are enjoying some fancy new meals there. Big kitchens are great! I'd like to just sit there and watch people cook! Hope far guys infusion went ok today!

  21. Well, at least that burger had a lot of protein! I don't think I could eat it either. The picture of Sadie and Little Elvis is cute. Maybe someone will drop some bacon! How nice that someone paid for your breakfast! That happens here in drive through lanes and people will pay it forward for five or six cars.

  22. Enjoy your foody adventures. And that's really nice of someone to pay your cheque for you.


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