Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wistful Wednesday: Easter

Here is a polaroid photo of our niece Bethany in 1986.

A big rabbit, Bethany with an Easter purse and Baby Snuffer.

Since this is a Polaroid and was in Far Guy's parents photo album I am certain Far Guy's Dad took the photo.

Baby Snuffer was our Snuffer's puppy.  Snuffer had a rendevous in Florida when we were stationed there...she had four puppies, Fatty, Blackie, Brownie and Flowie (Trica named them...she was just shy of 2 years old)  Far Guy and I are pretty sure that it was Blackie that became Baby Snuffer and went to live a good long life in Indiana with Far Guy's sister and family.

Far Side


  1. A very sweet photo and fun memories.

  2. I had fun with my cousin going back through memories of long ago...It is fun to do that once in a while!

  3. You have certainly had a lot of dogs in your life. I still miss Chance and enjoy seeing his picture in your header.

  4. What a precious photo! Remember how we used to dress up for Easter with white cloves and all? All 3 in that picture are so cute!

  5. I love the memories you share with your photos. They are wonderful.
    Thanks for your help with blogger. Unfortunately I still can't comment with my phone or iPad. I have to comment on my MacBook now, it's the only way they go through at all. But I guess it's better than nothing. I just hope my hotspot works on vacation next week. :-)

  6. The minds of little ones - those names are hilarious. Cute picture!

  7. Fun photo! Those polaroid cameras were fun, weren't they?

  8. What a happy Easter picture! I remember when I was little how I always got a new Easter outfit for church. It usually included a hat and white gloves - something you don't see much these days. Bethany and Baby Snuffer are adorable!

  9. Rendevous--LOL!
    So cute!! :)

  10. Well that is the cutest Easter picture I've ever seen. She was a pretty little girl.

  11. What sweet, fun filled photo!

  12. the polaroid was a great technological advance.

  13. "Rendevous" made me chuckle. What a sweet Easter photo.

  14. Nothing like shaking a polaroid picture to start your day.

  15. That is one big rabbit Bethany is holding. She looks sweet all dressed up for Easter.

  16. What an adorable picture. So joyful!

  17. What a happy little sweetie — and why not with that giant rabbit next to her! So cute.


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