Saturday, April 13, 2019

Enough snow already

Snow.  It snowed all day on Friday.  What a mess and that snow was some heavy crap.  I used the power shovel and the regular shovel...thank goodness my Nephew came by with the skidsteer and moved a bunch of snow off of the walk for me.
It was about nine plus inches of snow.   It was so heavy that as it piled up it sunk shank smaller in height..

June the snowbank has been renewed also.

Far Guy woodcarved.  I made another 5 jars of Chokecherry and 5 jars of SKOC Some Kind Of Cherry

The SKOC is beautiful in the jars...and tastes good too. 

I have three quart jars of rhubarb to do yet...I am thinking one batch of jam, some muffins and possibly a coffee cake are in our future.  I will be glad when this project is complete.

Far Guy's sister asked what will you do with so much jam and jelly.  Give most of it away most makes sweet gifts!
Far Side


  1. I am sure that anyone who receives one of your jars of jam or jelly will enjoy it thoroughly. That snow does seem a bit excessive, even for Minnesota. :-)

  2. Gosh, that definitely is enough snow already. The jelly looks pretty!

  3. You could set up a little farmer's market stand and sell you jams and jellies! But kidding aside, they are pretty! I love to set my canning by a window for a while just to see the colors! Fun times. Well... not the snow pwrt. It was snowing when I went out for groceries this morning. I hope to get a report on the SKOC jelly flavor. A good sense of humor gets us through a lot of SCHTUFF, right?

  4. Homemade jellies and jams are THE best! Your friend will be delighted that you turned her freezer fruit and juice into tasty treats.

  5. Beautiful ! Snow and jam. Neither will last long. :)

  6. Enough already with the snow!!!! I feel for you and I am so glad it isn't snowing here while I'm on foal watch!
    Nice loon carving in the jam photo, must be from the batch you made for Christmas when I won one of them- it's one of my favourite Christmas ornaments.

  7. Frustrating about all your snow. Jelly/Jam make great gifts. Anyone would love to receive a jar and would know the work that went into it.

  8. Love the jam/jelly photo. The snow ones are pretty but not nice for April. What is the usual time for your last snow?

  9. Sorry your area got so much more snow. I hope it melts soon. The color of the jam is beautiful.

  10. Anyone receiving homemade jelly is a lucky duck! I've never made it myself, but always appreciated the gift of homemade pepper jelly from one of my former co-workers. Yum!

  11. Oh, yes. Concrete snow. Our Seattle kind of snow. Wet and heavy. You got dumped on again. I hope this is the last of it.

  12. You stay so is good that you can. Far Guy's wood carving is beautiful. Well, so is your jar of jelly. I always wanted to take photos of my jars as they get filled. Nothing prettier in my opinion!

  13. Winter sure is determined to stick around this year! You've been busy, I bet all those jars of jam look pretty! Happy weekend!

  14. We are relatively not far from you and I understand what you mean by "enough snow." We just got the latest snow storm. I just hope now that it won't snow for the 4th of July. Great photos!

  15. Kind of depressing you getting the much snow again, after the snow stick cleared off. At least this time of the year you know it's not going to stick around for another few months! Maybe your sister-in-law was hinting that she wouldn't mind getting a jar of the jam or jelly!

  16. Sorry you're getting yet another snowstorm. My family in S. Dakota also got slammed by this most recent blizzard (or "bomb cyclone" as the media likes to call these things).

  17. Goodness! More Snow.. Cheryl says we can never move to Northern Minnesota. I agree...even though I lived even more north than you guys before. (Alaska) And I went to School in New Ulm. 4 years was enough.

  18. Spring storms can be brutal.

  19. Sinked,sank, shrunk etc.. got me grinning. Too bad about all that heavy snow. May it melt quickly. On second thought maybe not TOO quickly. I think flooding might then be a possibility.
    I made rhubarb/raspberry jam this week and although the raspberry totally dominates the jam it turned out delicious.

  20. Yes, we got about the same. Already melting, of course. Really heavy, sticky stuff. Was coming down horizontally and stuck to the windows and doors! That should be it...well, you'd think--LOL!

  21. I know...I just want it to STOP! We had a snow warning here for today, but so far, though there were a few flakes, it's now changed to sleet and rain. Cold rain. I hope this is the last of it and we're headed toward spring for real now. But we'll see. At least we don't have snow on the ground. I hope yours melts fast, but not so fast as to cause flooding.

  22. Mom told me that when My older brother Barry was two, that it snowed on the fourth of July at the farm. Didn't last but just couldn't believe it! Everything is blooming here and showing Beautiful colors! I don't do well with gray and cold anymore. We have humidity even in the Winter which bites to the bone and makes it feel even colder! Hope it melts fast for you! Sharon

  23. My god, how dreadful that snow looks! Even if a person likes snow (which my winter sports loving wife does, and I decidedly don't) enough is enough.


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