Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wistful Wednesday: 1977

The summer of 1977.  Jennifer was not yet two years old.

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She had her own way of holding a squirmy Boston Terrier puppy that belonged to her Grandparents.  This puppy was the first Boston Terrier my parents had, her name was Annie…their second one was named Annie also.

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  1. Oh, how sweet!! Good memories. :)

  2. Couldn't be cuter and ... saddle shoes! Wow, haven't seen those in a very long time.

    1. They were Buster Brown Shoes. Back then that was the shoe to get for small children, they supported their feet:)

  3. The summer of I think I was getting ready for my second year of college and...trying to figure out what I wanted to do in life.

  4. Adorable! It's hard to believe that 1977 was more than 40 years ago. :-)

  5. Precious photo - the puppy is secure and obviously knows who's in control.

  6. Now if this had been about 1964 it could have been a picture of me! :)

  7. We have a sweet Boston terrier one back yard over. We can see him just a little because of the fences. He has two boys and a set of twin girls in his yard. He loves to go out and run the fence when they are all out on their trampoline.

  8. Yes, we had to buy leather shoes for the kids because their feet needed 'supporting'. Now kids run around in flip flops and flimsy runners and their feet are just fine. My youngest was born in 1977. Such a long time ago.

  9. Oh my goodness! That is a sweet picture.
    Blessings, Betsy

  10. I remember being taken to buy "Buster Brown shoes" at the shoe store on Main Street - the name right now escapes me (I believe where the beauty shop is now). That is a cute picture!

  11. What a sweet picture of a cute little girl and a cute little puppy! My daughter Amy was born in 1976.


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