Friday, August 10, 2018


When you are young you wear pretty shoes, when you are up in years you wear comfy shoes with socks.

Young legs old legs

This is our youngest daughter and her father from my perspective.  They were talking and I had my camera in my hand…and I captured a “shoe moment.”

Our oldest daughter is struggling, Maddie is moving to Michigan and taking Hey Mikey with her…yes it is sad, we will all miss her and Hey Mikey too!   But Michigan isn’t the end of the earth although according to our oldest daughter you can see it from there, now a days with Facetime, emails etc you can keep in touch better than in the olden days of collect phone calls or for goodness sake… letters….remember them…hand written and put in the mail.

Today one of Far Guy’s cousins will bury their son he was just 50 years old and died of cancer, they would be thrilled if he had just gone to Michigan.  Last spring I had a second cousin die of cancer, I saw her Mom over the weekend and she shared a photo that looks just like her daughter in the clouds. I am certain she wishes her daughter was just in Michigan.

We cannot travel in anyone elses shoes, nor would I want to.  My heart goes out to everyone that has suffered the death of a child. 

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  1. I would give anything of my son lived in MI. He and his wife and my grandson live in Athens, GA. A day and a half drive away for us. My heart also goes out to anyone who lost a child. At least I get to see mine once in a while, while theirs is gone forever. Good luck to Maddie on her new adventure,

  2. I too wish the best for Maddie and Hey Mikey. They are such fine people and I hope she does well in her new endeavors. I am one who has lost a child. Twice. It's pretty bad, all right. :-(

  3. All the best to Maddie and Mikey on their move. This was a lovely, tender post... including the photo.

  4. All the best to Maddie & Mikey. The Lord bless them on this new adventure.

  5. Good perspective and great intro to it.
    Glad you mentioned Snail Mail - - - it is always fun to get a surprise in that mailbox. We have had two like that in as many weeks. It sure brought a smile to our faces.
    Hoping the best adventure for Maddie & Mikey.

  6. A wonderful post. I wish Maddie & Mikey the best as they move to Michigan.

  7. All the best to Maddie and Mikey, I do miss the days of letters though! I still write them often to my aged aunts, they love receiving them.
    And shoes. I agree. Once I wore heels, now I wear flip flops and chore boots...oh and hiking boots.

  8. BTW, how are your glasses working out?

    1. My new glasses just came in yesterday, haven't been to town to get them:)

  9. Love my flip flops! Michigan’s not too bad. Our Alex is in Japan and Mandy was in DC and now is in Nebraska. Both far, far away from us in Washington. I am SO grateful for FaceTime but I still miss hugs.

  10. I miss letters! But FaceTime is pretty good. We don't do it often enough with the grandkids - although ours are less than 2 hours away. Love the shoe comparisons. I used to teach all day in heels. Then I became the queen of comfy shoes. This time of year it's flip flops.

  11. Google hangout is what we use for video calls when we can't get together. These days you can even call long distance on cell phones and talk as long as you want, too! Snail mail is still thrilling. Email, texting--there are so many more ways to keep in touch than there were even 10-15 years ago. Yes, Michigan isn't as far away as it used to be. ;)

    Comfy shoes all the way!!! :)

  12. Me too! Losing a child is just the worst!

  13. Yes, going to Michigan is such a good thing when you think of all the alternatives. Our two sons are vacationing at Pokegama with their aunts and families . My late wife’s sisters own the cabin now and I am glad they can meet there some summers. I really miss the lake but things just happen. The guys will return to Maine and Arlington Heights and some day we will go to see them.

  14. Thanks for the perspective... our daughter moved to Virginia, an eleven hour drive for us. I was devastated but came to terms with that drive was better than a flight to Japan where a friend's daughter moved.

  15. When my daughter move 1500 miles away and then had babies, i was not happy, but we traveled to see her, and them. Now she lives here, but someone else is missing them. There are trade offs in life. but at least there is still life.

  16. The shoe department shows how life changes and unfortunately we lose some lives along the way.

  17. I like the shoe picture. It's so sweet. I know she must hate to see Maddie and Mickey go. Both of my brothers died when they were 49 years old. One with cancer and the other with a heart attack. I don't think mama was ever the same.

  18. Death puts things into perspective, doesn't it.

  19. Yes, I too have lost a child and it's a long hard road back to being anything like normal! SA


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