Sunday, August 26, 2018


Far Guy had surgery yesterday morning to replace the port in his chest.  His old port (his second one) was really hard to stick (it felt like trying to stab a tennis ball) and there was no blood return and his IV every week was getting slower and slower.  One call to his surgeon and we were put on the Saturday surgery list at o dark thirty.

Far Guy’s weekly infusions to protect his lungs are dependant on a working port.

It is over, he is sore and tired and a tad cranky.  Jen came to check on the elderly and to make sure we ate something.  She brought Miney and Little Elvis with her, they always cheer us up!

Chance thought it was great to have company.  I thought it was too…as I got to have a worry free nap and put someone else incharge for a bit.



Chance is still holding his own peeing, pooping and begging for food.

Just for reference: 1st port July 2015, 2nd Port March 3 2016, 3rd Port August 25 2018

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  1. A properly ported FarGuy, a Chance who was up for company, and a worry-free nap.....priceless!

  2. Thinking of you and Far Guy and Chance.

  3. So glad to hear that's behind FG and hopefully this port will last awhile longer. And so good to hear Chance is acting like he's going to stay better for awhile at least.

  4. Hope Far Guy feels better soon. Hope this port works better. Glad to hear Chance is holding his own.

  5. My port has been fickle since Day One. Sometimes it won't draw and other times the blood flows freely. It flushes beautifully and the infusions run just fine. Apparently some of them (like mine) do not draw well even though they are in place and work fine for infusions. Glad you have one that works well now. It's a shame you have had to have replacements more often than usual.

  6. Having a worry free nap with someone you trust helping out is Priceless! I'm glad all of you are moving forward to health!

  7. Glad the surgery went well and hope Far Guy recovers quickly!

  8. Good news on both of your guys, getting them fixed up.

  9. Good to hear Far Guy's surgery went well

  10. So happy your Guy is doing well, and glad Chance had some fun time, so glad you got some rest, too!

  11. By now I know that Chance loves spending time with Miney and Little Elvis so he must have been more than pleased.
    Good that Far Guy's port was successfully replaced.

  12. Good that you have family near you who can drop by and help out.

  13. I'm glad to hear that things are looking up for you all. Naps are something I highly recommend and worry free ones are especially delightful!

  14. Bummer - I heard this, hope things are looking up for all three of you! Take care!

  15. Glad to hear things seem to be looking up AND that you got a much needed nap.

  16. Glad it all went smoothly and you're all doing well.

  17. Ouch! But glad it was successful. It's a full time job this aging stuff!

  18. My late wife had a port put in when we first arrived at the Houston Cancer Center. A doctor screwed with it and tried to put it back in with the thing poking around on her insides. A surgeon did come in and replace it. The chemo dripped in better than the wrist sight. It probably was a new thing but in the late 70’s I am sure it was being done so much in our how state. Everyone in the hometown were whispering questions to me about it.


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