Thursday, August 23, 2018


We have many Bluebird nesting boxes. We placed them at the edge of the woods all along our property.

We kept seeing flashes of blue.

Blue Bird Aug 2018 Papa Bluebird and a baby

Finally the Trail Cam got them as they visited the bird bath.

Bluebird babies Aug 2018

Two babies

BabyBluebird one

We hope these babies come back again next year and raise more babies.

Chance is improving little by little.  He is one hungry boy.  The Vet called to check on him and we gave her a full report.  We are supposed to keep on with what we are doing. We are hopeful that he will recover this time.

We have been dealing with the forest fire smoke and when it finally cleared the nearby small grain fields were harvested and we ended up with lots of chaff in the air at our home.  It made someone a tad cranky. 

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  1. Glad to hear that Chance is doing better.

  2. I love Bluebirds. Sure wish I had them around my house. Glad Chance is still improving.

  3. So nice to have the vet call to check on our guy! And yes, I hope you have lots of bluebirds coming back in the future. :-)

  4. It's so lovely! I am preparing to say goodbye to our summer friends!

  5. Yeah on the Bluebirds - such gray scruffy little babies :) I thought about you guys the other day when that field was being harvested "one big grain dust cloud". ICK!

  6. How I long for clear blue sky. I'm weary of the smoky haze. A vet that calls to check on a patient is a keeper! Good to hear that Chance continues to improve.

  7. Continued good news with Chance. I don't think we have bluebirds here, they are pretty birds. I wonder if the smoke is coming from our province, although of course there are fires on your side of the border. We have been smoked in for a long time, but there is a weather change coming and it should clear out later today/tomorrow. I have vowed not to complain about it, we have nothing compared to others.

  8. Beautiful bluebirds and wonderful news about Chance. Good news is always welcome and the vet calling means they really care. Gives you hope for the world doesn’t it? The smoke is never ending. We’ve been stuck indoors for weeks and weeks now. Fires surround us and two nights ago the news said that they won’t go out until it snows! Everything is brown and covered with ash. It’s all so sad, so I can relate to your frustration.

  9. Oh, I hope the bluebirds come back to raise babies every year--yes!!
    And so very glad Chance is doing better and better--whoohoo!!!
    Smoke and then chaff...well, there's always something, right? ;)

  10. We only get bluebirds as they fly through. Lucky you! I'm glad Chance is getting better. Very glad.

  11. Good that you have a few bluebirds and are helping them with nest boxes.

  12. Bluebirds are so lovely. I wish we had them around here.
    As Karen said, we're smoked in here too but hoping for some rain to clear
    the air ( and maybe help put out the fires too).

  13. Bluebirds are such pretty birds. Glad Chance is doing better.

  14. The smoke rolled back in here in Seattle today. We are fortunate to not have respiratory problems, at least yet. For people like Far Guy this is a very serious issue.

  15. What a wonderful vet to call and ask how Chance is doing. Down here they're not as concerned....just rabies, and listen to their heart. I heard about the vetprofin from another gal and had to ask about it. Let's say they're not very 'proactive'. So glad he is doing better!
    Love the favs along with robins and red winged blackbirds and mourning doves. For years I thought they were morning doves! LOL!


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