Monday, August 6, 2018

12 kids

A half a dozen Grands from each of my brothers (They have more than this…one has 8 and one has 13)

12 kids to the refuge

They are a few months old (in the baby carrier) to age 14.

We went on an adventure to the Tamarac Wildlife Refuge.  They have a program called Wild Wednesday for children ages 3 to 7 but other ages of children are welcome.

Story Time

The program was bugs and butterflies.   A volunteer read two stories about bugs and another gave a presentation on the life stages of the Monarch Butterfly, he had all the life stages in covered containers so the kids could see the progression.

Then we went on a walk and used nets to collect bugs…the kids were very impressed especially with the spiders.

After the bug walk the kids decorated butterflies and made masks.

Lindsay and Turner



The bigger kids had fun making masks.

Aub Brooke and Livvie


Some kids just had fun putting cloths pins on their Grandfather’s hand.




It was a fun morning.

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  1. What a great outing. And what a crew of kids!

  2. What a wonderful adventure for those grandchildren.

  3. 12 kids is quite a group to be taking on an outing. Sounds like you all had a great time though.

  4. You have a large crew! That is so fun! I know that grand kids always brighten my days no matter their ages!
    The butterflies are active now! I've been watching them land on my flowers that are in front of the porch.

  5. Adorable kids! And so many of them I would go crazy trying to keep track of everybody. A fun day was had by all, according to your pictures. Love those masks. :-)

  6. Sounds like something I would enjoy also.

  7. The masks are very cute! Looks like it was a fun & interesting day for all.

  8. I love when there are quality programs available like that for children. My sister's daughter homeschools her two. Their art museum offers classes for the children. There are other places they go in the city like that, too. It's wonderful.

  9. I ❤️ these photos: they brightened my morning.

  10. That was fun being with so many little people in the family

  11. Perfect! What a fun outing for everyone and they learned something too. This made my day. I had just read another article about kids not being out in nature and sitting in front of video games most of th etc etc, so this made my heart happy. Blessings, Betsy

  12. Oh, what fun! Thanks for sharing this!! :)

  13. Cool event for grand kids and Grandma.

  14. Looks like a wonderful day of fun!

  15. Looks like a lot of fun for everyone. Except maybe the grandfather who got 'pinned'.

  16. Grandkids are a blessing and what lovely photos you have shared today

  17. That is a bunch of grandchildren. That sounds like such a fun thing to do, and good for the children.

  18. That is a lot of grand nieces and nephews. It looks like a good bunch of kids.

  19. What cuties and what a fun outing for all of you!


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