Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Wistful Wednesday: Savannah

Twenty years ago Savannah was the flower girl at her Aunt Jen and Uncle Andy’s wedding. Savannah was almost two years old.

1998 Gene and Savannah (2)

Savannah and her Grandpa in 1998.  Savannah had blonde hair back then and Far Guy had some hair.   Savannah looks a bit teary eyed.  She did fine during practice the night before the wedding, but the day of the wedding she was a little afraid with all the people…even though she knew I was in the front row and had gum for her.  I think Grandpa was telling her that there was nothing to be afraid of.

Gene and Savannah May 2018

Here they are twenty years later.

Happy Birthday Savannah! We think you are just beautiful!

Savannah almost 22

Your smiles and giggles have always brightened our days.

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  1. She was beautiful then and now! :)
    Happy Birthday to Savannah. :)

  2. Such a sweet baby at the wedding and beautiful all-grown-up girl. Happy birthday to Savannah!

  3. Such a beautiful young lady. You can tell the love they have for each other. Mandy was the same with her Grandpa Queen. They adored each other. Thank you for your comment on my blog. I agree with you. There is SO much good that never makes the news. Here are many generous hearts out there.

  4. She's lovely! Hope you all had a wonderful day.

  5. Nice birthday wish to a grand daughter

  6. She was such a pretty little girl, and now she is beautiful! I love all these pictures but those two of Savannah and her grandpa are just so sweet. Happy Birthday Savannah.

  7. Happy Birthday, lovely Savannah!

    I love 'then and now' pictures.

  8. Beautiful young woman and handsome man - then and now. Congratulations on your birthday, Savannah!

  9. Happy Birthday Savannah! Beautiful pictures! Love the dimples!

  10. She is beautiful, just as she was then. Lovely pictures, great people! :-)

  11. Happy Birthday to Savannah. She is a beautiful young lady. Sweet pix with her grandpa.

  12. What a precious and beautiful girl...then and now! Great pics with her grandpa!


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