Sunday, July 15, 2018

Wild Ride

Yesterday we had a wild ride.  We had not moved the three wheeler for at least a week.  I wanted to go down to my baby brother’s lake place…Far Guy went along…as he unhitched the trailer from the three wheeler he noticed a few bees.  He said “I wonder where the bees are coming from maybe under the trailer?”  I hopped on and we moseyed down the road…I was driving slow all of a sudden Far Guy  said “Bees!”  I slowed down a bit more…he said “Punch it” well we out ran them…got to my brothers without getting stung or crashing into a tree.  Far Guy dislodged the Yellowjacket nest from under the fender and took care of it.  The ride back home was much calmer.

Good thing too as I am allergic to most bee stings…we have Epi Pens in the house and in my backpack.  Those yellowjackets can sting you more than once and the stings are quite painful.IMG_0786

The yellow flowers are beginning to open. I like yellow flowers better than yellowjackets.

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  1. Glad you are okay. That could have been awful. I've been attacked by Yellowjackets before. They got in my clothes and I had to roll around on the ground trying to kill them. But at least I'm not allergic.

  2. Whoa Nellie!!! So glad you outran them! I have a fear of bees but I'm not allergic that I know of. I didn't know you were....close call! Glad you didn't get stung or Gene either.

  3. That was scary. I've seen the European wasps building nests in our 4 wheeler next to the battery. They built a nest inside the Jeep door next to the hinge. Now I carefully check for bees. Last year they built a nest inside a hollow metal gate I used to get mules in and out of a pasture. Imagine my freak out when I had two mules in hand and a load of angry bees came out!
    Glad you guys are okay. Phew....

  4. That's scary, I have to carry an EPI pen too. We use to have a live and let live relationship with wasps, but not any more. Any that hang round the house get swatted.

  5. Yikes! I'm glad you were able to avoid the yellowjackets without crashing.

  6. Lucky for you that FG sped away from the bees. I know you like yellow flowers more than anything! :-)

  7. I'm glad you didn't crash or get stung. Neither option would have been very nice.

  8. I totally agree! Yellow flowers not yellowjackets!!!

  9. I'm so glad you made it safe! I am allergic to bee/wasp stings myself. They are daunting when they decide to attack!

  10. I am also allergic to stings. Two years ago a yellow jacket got into the sleeve of my jacket and stung me 3 times. I ended up in a rescue squad going to the hospital because I quit breathing. Now I’m terrified of any bee. I’m SO glad you’re okay. Yay to Far Guy!

  11. Sounds a bit like a nightmare for anyone, let alone someone allergic to bee stings. I'm glad this story had a happy ending.

  12. Glad you got away from the bees! I would like yellow flowers better than bees too!

  13. I am not allergic but bees freak me out, just the thought of getting stunk

  14. That's quite the story.Yellow jackets give a terrible sting.


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