Monday, July 9, 2018

Sculpture Number 5 and the Tube Dude

Beauty must be in the eye of the beholder.  This is the last of the new sculptures at the park in town.

Sculpture 5

I could find nothing interesting about this one…I thought the picnic table and the bridge were more photo worthy. (Remember Elaine on Seinfield deciding if her boyfriends were sponge worthy because of a shortage of contraceptive sponges?) Anyways…

This is the “Tube Dude” that started the sculpures at the park. I think he is missing part of a tube…but I digress.

Tube Dude

He was on the ground for awhile then they put him high in the air on an information kiosk. He has been at the park a few years.  The Park is on a Bike Trail and has a bike repair station.



The bike repair tools are secure.  It is almost a work of art all by itself.

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  1. I totally agree with you that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Milwaukee has an art piece on the lakefront that is nothing more than 2 steel beams welded together to form an X and the PTB call it art. I call it "waste of taxpayer dollars".

  2. I do like the bridge and picnic table better. I am not sure what that sculpture is supposed to be. However the bicyclist is pretty neat, nice and simple.
    Love the repair station, that is very unique.

  3. I think I like the bike repair station the best :-D

  4. The bicyclist is a very cool (should I say airy?) sculpture. The other thing, whatever it is, not so much. :-)

  5. Thumbs up for Tube Dude and the repair station!

  6. I'm with Tired Teacher two thumbs up for Tube Dude.

  7. Local communities seem to be able to find controversial art pieces. We had the same issue here.

  8. Nope. Not photo worthy. ;)

    I like the bike repair station (not that I'd know how to use it--LOL!) and the tube biker guy, though.

  9. Well I think I liked all the sculptures except the last one. I love the idea of the bike repair stations. I saw the first one last Fall in the Okanagan.

  10. Never seen a bike repair station, not sure if they exist here

  11. I'm with you. The red bridge and picnic table are far more note-worthy.

  12. I've never heard of a bike repair station either. I guess in that first photo I would say function over form.

  13. How wonderful...a bike repair station...never heard of it but how nifty is that?!?!


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