Friday, July 6, 2018

Hey Mikey: 13 months old

Mikey and Maddie visited yesterday.  It was so good to see them. 

Maddie and Mikey

Mikey and his Mama

Mikey and the flowers

He is walking now.  He can still crawl faster than he can walk, but he walked outside for a long time.


He made us laugh and smile…little ones seem to have that kind of magic.

Maddie and Mikey at the lake

We went for a ride down to the lake and by some large machinery and stopped by my other baby brothers but no one was home.

Mikey can say Mama, Dada, thank you, milk and No (nope) and his has a word for Deacon the dog.  He has a whole mouth full of teeth that his Mama keeps sparkling clean.  He still gets two bottles a day…one at nap time and another at bedtime.

Maddie has one more week of her internship and then has to take State Boards.

We had a good visit!

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  1. Mikey is adorable and sure has his mommy's beautiful eyes. Can't believe he is walking. All the best to Maddie!

  2. Mikey is one cute little boy. You were so lucky to have a visit from him and his mama.

  3. It is fun for me to watch Mikey grow. We don't have any babies in our family. Expect we will have some great grandchildren some day since we have 13 grandchildren counting the step-grandchildren.

  4. Fun to see the world through the eyes of a child. Best wishes to Maddie on her State Boards.

  5. Oh yes!! They are magical! Great pics. What a wonderful visit. :)

  6. What a special and fun visit! He sure is growing fast and Maddie is as beautiful as ever.

  7. Mikey is cute as a button, and Maddie looks like the perfect little mother. She sure is pretty. I'll bet Mikey loved all the pretty things in your garden.

  8. What a cute Mikey. That's what we called our first son. Then it was Pauly for the second one. What a pretty Mama!!

  9. Mikey looks like a very lively character.

  10. Good luck to Maddie on her exams!
    Mikey sure is cute.

  11. Looks like a fun visit for everyone!

  12. Just growing to fast, he has a sweet little face.

  13. I love to watch the little ones learning to walk. He looks like a drunken sailor, as they say. Adorable. :-)

  14. Our youngest guy is 2 years 2 months old. He has changed so much since we last saw him in November. He still doesn’t talk so much but has code words for everything. Your little guy is so cute and I bet you are really proud of that granddaughter. She must be a great mom.

  15. I love that picture of Maddie and he together...that's a keeper! They are so cute at that the little shorts and shirt....they look like little old men walking around...too cute!


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