Sunday, July 22, 2018

Almost Ready

It was a really good year for Chokecherries.  Just the right amount of rain I guess.

I am watching the berries closely.


They will be ready when the berries are black looking and not hard.  It will be a race between me and the birds to see who gets the most berries.

I hope they are ready when my baby brother is here on vacation as he is real tall and can help pick.  He also likes the Chokecherry Jelly I make.

Jars, Pectin and Sugar are going on my grocery list just in case.

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  1. AHHH! I need someone who knows Chokecherries well. There is one tree here with them, but yesterday I found a TON of them! Well, I am pretty sure. I took a berry and tasted it and it indeed was that taste no one can forget.
    I'd love to pick a pail full and make jelly, although I'd have to ask the folks who run the reserve first I suppose!

  2. I haven't checked my chokecherries yet.

  3. That is a great picture. Here's to the best chokecherry jelly ever! :-)

  4. My mom used to curse the chokecherries because of what the birds did to her clean clothes on the clothesline after imbibing. I hope you get yours before the birds do!

  5. I hope you beat the birds! ;)

  6. Oooh, chokecherry jelly is yummy!

  7. It's always a good idea to have jars, sugar and pectin on hand "just in case".

  8. Great! we have been getting cherry's at the store,good and sweet.
    Wish the Bennie would make jelly with them but need a cherry seeder.

  9. Oh yummy! I’m tall and would help for just one jar of jelly if I lived close enough. :-).

  10. That sounds delicious! I've never had chokecherry jelly.


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