Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July!

In our younger years we would have been working on the 4th of July. 

In our older years a day at the lake with a picnic was nice, but with the jet stream funneling down smoke from the forest fires in Canada and causing limited visibility…we will stay put with the air conditioning on.

Haze in the air

Chance coming home after getting the mail.

The haze hung heavy in our yard all day long.  The same is forecast for today.  The Fargo and Detroit Lakes air quality stations were both reporting "unhealthy" levels at 2 PM Friday afternoon.  My eyes were itchy…and it smelled like a forest fire out there.


One of my glass flowers at the edge of the woods.

Steve and Jo came over last night and we played a couple of games of Golf ( a card game) and listened to some oldies…with our usual “Who sang that or what is the name of that song…what year was that anyway?”

Fireworks started last night…people down at the lake are celebrating early.  Chance is not impressed with their noise and has to be coaxed to go outdoors. Oh well in a day or two the noise will be over… Far Guy took his vehicle in for an oil change yesterday across from the car dealership was a fireworks sales tent…and people were out front setting off fountains of fireworks…they must hire real smart help.

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  1. Happy 4th. It is a lovely day in London. I think we are expecting 25 degrees or more but the air is wonderfully fresh after last night's thunderstorms. We have fair weather cloud and a little breeze. Today I have exciting plans for laundry, ironing and housework!
    Chance looks very handsome with those daisies.

  2. Happy 4th from "The Cities."

  3. I keep forgetting to tell you how much I like your header! So sorry about your poor air quality. That is nuts about setting off fireworks near the tent! GA has just legalized fireworks year round and vets and petowners are concerned about pets with sound sensitivity. Remember the 2 goldens that lived next door to us at Nalley Valley. The female died on July 4 a few years back due to running herself to death trying to get away from the sound of fireworks. So sad. We are in for the day...heavy rain and thunder. Hot dogs for lunch! Hope you are feeling better from the oral surgery.

  4. We are having plenty of forest fires in this part of the country, too, due to the unusual dryness and heat. Wish I had air conditioning to turn on. Glad you're staying cool. :-)

  5. I always feel sorry for the animals around the 4th. The noise is so disturbing to them. I'm not too fond of it myself! I hope the smoke dissipates soon and you can enjoy being outside again. Happy 4th to you!

  6. Happy 4th! Sorry about all the smoke....we are dealing with hot weather....ugh! I want my PNW clouds and rain back. Yes, my dog hates the fireworks too. Luckily he is old and his hearing is going so hopefully that will help.

  7. Happy 4th! We are going down late this afternoon for a BBQ party at my older daughter & son in law's home. Then from across the San Diego bay we can watch all the firework shows on their back bay. Stay safe!

  8. We'll end up cloudy and rainy, but it's fine. Our Kasey gives one bark at the fireworks, and then he ignores them. Usually, we hear them starting early, but this year, it's been fairly quiet. Enjoy your quiet day.

  9. Happy 4th! It's hot and humid here. Poppy is working today so we, like every 4th of July, will be watching fireworks on TV tonight. I laughed reading your last post about your strong dentist! Oh my goodness, I do remember that crunching feeling. Hope you don't ever have to have another tooth pulled...hope I don't either!

  10. Our three little dogs don't like the noise of fireworks either, and bark. The fireworks here in MPLS MN are located just down the river from us, so they are very noisy. So many louds booms. The dogs bark at thunder too and sometimes they hear it long before we humans do, and bark before the storm gets here. We have a very faint haze here from the Canadian fires.

    Shirley H.

  11. FG sure doesn't need that smoke. It has even caused haze in the skies down here in TN. They said it was from the fires in Canada.
    Here in the South, they started fireworks over a week ago and they will continue for a week after today - - at least. Many of them start LATE at night - - - probably once people get into a good partying mood - - - hmmm explosives and possible substance abuse - - - another combo that is not too good.
    As always, it is good to hear from you!

  12. Happy 4th Connie. We are hanging tight here also.


  13. A bit of the smoke haze has arrived here, too.

    Happy Fourth to you, Far Guy, and Chance.

  14. Happy 4th of July! Don't get smoked out......

  15. Happy Fourth of July. You have a good plan to stay inside and avoid the smokey air. Looks like Chance is hard at work, does he really retrieve the mail?

  16. Oh, on second thought, I bet you went with Chance to retrieve the mail!

  17. What gets me is that I see lots of old gomers out there kickin up their heels while I stay home!!! It ain't fair. We had smolke for a couple of days. It's not nice at all.

  18. Happy July 4th!

    Sorry about the smoke, we've been hazed in for over a week and the fires are still going strong in Northern Saskatchewan. Hopefully the weather will turn and we'll get some serious rain to help out the firefighters.

    Poor Chance, I hope the fireworks aren't too much for him.

  19. The 'haze' is here too. Real early this morning I could smell the smoke in the air but not this afternoon, unless I'm getting used to it. Not good days for photography!! I would love to spend the evening playing 'golf' and listening to the oldies!!!

  20. I love that photo of Chance down the lane. The smoke haze makes it dreamy. Good job on that glass flower.

  21. I mowed all morning and then took my wife to the pie place for lunch. Home again and are resting. Our eyes really could feel that stuff in the air as we were get lots of crusties in our eyes. The star shaped clear candle holder sits on the shelf across the room. We absolutely never burn candles except for electricity outage. I guess I could drill a hole in it without any problems. I don't know where we got it but it probably was a gift years ago when everyone gave everybody candles and candle holders.

  22. It rained and rained so hard here today- I'm beginning to think we will have to build an ark. The red river has flooded twice and I am seriously betting it will again. Crazy weather. I haven't heard about the fires...I should probably catch up on the news. Happy 4th!

  23. Idjits!
    Getting tired of these hazy crazy days of summer smoke. Must be awful in Canada.
    Glad my AC is working. ;)

  24. Sounds like a great 4th to me! We've had rain, rain, rain but the 4th was finally dry. I stayed home (per usual) and watched PBS A Capitol 4th and their fireworks. I heard them but couldn't see any...I didn't try real hard though. The kids called and I had hotdogs, baked beans and chips for my patriotic meal. I didn't even put the flags out this year as it has just poured most days.
    Who knew the smoke would go to MN? It's that crazy jet stream!


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