Sunday, February 22, 2015

Someday Project

Whilst I was cleaning out the kitchen cupboards and drawers I finally got to the cupboard with the recipe boxes.

Old recipe box

The box in front holds small recipe cards and a post it…that pink post it is Far Guy’s Impossible Italian Sausage Pie. ( He knows right where to find it.)  Brown up a pound of Italian Sausage then put the cooked meat in a 8x8 baking dish.  Mix together 1/2 Cup Bisquick Mix, 1 Cup Milk and 2 eggs dump on top of sausage.  Top with your favorite cheese.  Bake for 35 minutes at 400 degrees.   The alphabetical system looks like it might work but it doesn’t…all the favorites have been pulled to the front of the box.  That is my Spaetzle recipe in front.  I bought this box in about 1976, it was a winter project and there was a chain letter recipe swap going on and I needed someplace to put the recipes.  It was one of those chains where you added your name to the bottom of the list and then sent out some recipes to the top person on the list. Eventually I must have reached the top of the list!!

How many recipe boxes do you have?

This one is full of recipes that are favorites or ones that could be favorites. I bought this box in 1995 to organize recipes that wouldn’t fit into my other recipe box.

Straberry box of fav recipes

It is full to overflowing with handwritten recipes…and computer printed out recipes.  Some are cut off packages…some are used all the time…some have never been attempted.

This is the someday project.  It was a Christmas gift a long time ago. 

New Recipe box

Someday I will transpose all the favorites from the scraps of paper.  The cards are there…ready to go.  I added two favorite recipes on larger index cards that were just hanging around in the cupboard…homeless.

I must be a recipe hoarder.

Strawberry Basket Recipe box

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  1. Looks like you have your work cut out for you with the recipes! I'm not sure why, but I don't have any recipe boxes at all. I went with a three-ring binder separated into sections with dividers that have pockets. Your recipe boxes are cute!

  2. I have one old cookbook with a few recipes stuck inside the pages. I don't use it any more, except for a ratatouille recipe I use every now and then. I like the pretty box you got for Christmas. :-)

  3. I have one box, one 3 ring binder and a Hoosier drawer full of recipes, some used often and some occasionally and some in the " I want to try " category. It seems that my favorite recipe cards have, like yours, gathered in the front of the box. Recipes are rather like can't have too many or too much! Stay warm. Wisconsin, like Minnesota , is in the deep freeze again.

  4. My mother was always clipping recipes from magazines and newspapers and gathering them from friends. I have large envelopes stuffed with recipes and don't have the heart to throw them away. Mom rarely tried any of the recipes but loved to collect them.

  5. One recipe box, one recipe binder, but mainly I store my recipes on my computer.

  6. My daughter and her husband do the cooking around here and they don't use cookbooks. Most of the time they look up recipes on the computer. The do have a slow cooker recipe book and also one for BBQ.This really is a New Day as far as cookbooks are concerned (for some people). Early on I bought Betty Crocker cookbooks and they were the best. I also had a little recipe box in which I kept a few favorite recipes. I never thought I would miss cooking and baking but now I do.

    Shirley H.

  7. We have my mothers and grandmothers and the Bennie's mothers old cook books. Then we have 3 recipe boxes that I have from the last 50 years.
    and the Bennie's recipes in a three ring note book and it is full.

  8. Your recipe box sounds like mine. I keep promising myself that one day, I'll get all the scraps typed into the computer and onto flash drives. Manana!

  9. I have a theory that recipe books breed secretly. Other things that do this include plastic carrier bags and wire coat hangers.

  10. Sorting out my recipe mess was one of the first thing I did when I retired last year! I had been putting it off forever and it felt great to accomplish it. Good luck!

  11. They are pretty recipe boxes and I find now a days hard to find . I have recipe book binders from Susan Branch full of recipes and am in the middle of making my own recipe book with all my family and friend recipes . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  12. Oh Connie I love the sweet boxes, hoard away.Blessings Francine.

  13. In spite of my German heritage I'd never eaten or even heard of spaetzle till I took some high school students to Germany in 2002. I loved it but find it hard to find out here in the boondocks....

  14. I print recipes from the internet. They're all in a stack on top of my microwave!

  15. I was just using one of my mother's cookbooks the other day - Woman's Home Companion. I love it because I find her handwriting in it here and there. The book begins with a note to the home cook that "now that the war is on" and goes on to point out the recipes that use few of the precious rationed ingredients.
    I've found that in my collection of clipped and copied recipes, I need to keep the grubby version with the stains and the drips because otherwise it's hard to find them.

  16. I have recipe books, a big wooden recipe box that holds two sides of 4 X 6 cards where I transfer all the recipes I have tried and liked, a 3-ring binder with printed off recipes from the internet (untried), and an expandable folder filled with scribbled down and cut out recipes (untried)...that is getting too full. This system was working fine up until three years ago when I became a vegetarian. Since it's been three years now, I think it is going to stick--so I need to go through everything and get rid of all the non-vegetarian recipes. Now that's a huge project...maybe next winter--LOL! ;)

  17. My stuff has become so overwhelming. I would love to share two generations of cookbook recipes but there are so many. My mom and grandma were packrats when it came to recipes. I think it would be good to collect all those things that I remembered that they actually did cook. I remember watching my grandmother make multiple fruit cakes baked in coffee cans. I bet you will pull off your project but you have to get it into line of all your other things going on for now.

  18. I am a recipe hoarder but not as neatly as you...I have plastic containers with all kinds of shapes and sizes dumped in it....I need to do that too. Most of mine are cut outs or computer paper because we used to swap at work and email to each other. Then I have my Mother's recipes.....yes, another project! LOL! Yours looks good as is.

  19. I am not a recipe hoarder, but I do keep most recipes I have clipped from magazines or printed from the Internet in a three ring binder with general category tabs. I use printer paper in plastic sheet protectors. I works well.


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