Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Chilly and cranky

It was –13 F on Monday morning, that is –25C eh!  Some people said they had colder temperatures than that..well whoopee ding for them.  Once it gets below zero it is just COLD for my old bones.  We will be cold for a few days and Thursday it may warm up again.

Far Guy still does not have his Medicare Card.  We have done all we can do…so we wait.

I still do not have my W2 forms from the museum…last week the treasurer said it was a problem with her computer, this week she says it is not her problem but some accounting firms responsibility.  So we wait.

Some people should just get off their hiney and do their jobs.  What do they do all day anyway?  In this day and age of email and faxes how and why would it take so long to do a simple task.

I will wait until February 15 for my W2 form and then I am turning them into the IRS.  No more Mrs. Nice Lady.

I got called a nice lady yesterday…it was quite obvious that he is a new acquaintance…most of the people that know me well just laughed out loud.

Wild Turkeys

Wild Turkeys February 1 2015

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  1. I think you are a nice person. :)

    The gruff act doesnt fool me.

  2. You made me laugh cranky:) It is too cold for me too. Love the turkeys. Hug B

  3. Giggle !! yes cold weather makes me cranky to only when there is no sunshine though What hurts my bones is the cold damp weather cold dry air I am fine . Hope the morons at the W2 place stop with the excuses and cough up your forms . Thanks for sharing love the photos of the turkey's Have a good day and be cozy .

  4. I don't think you are cranky; it's just all the bitter cold and snow affecting your humor. We are having the same crap here and it doesn't make me a nice person either. I'm still waiting for our 1095 forms from hubby's employer and our health insurance provider. Made a phone call asking where they are and got the "I'll check and get back to you". Still wanting, called a week ago. And to think these people get paid to be total inadequate. Keep warm and safe.

  5. Sounds like a wintry vaudeville act: "And now heere's Chilly and Cranky!" (Roll of music) :)

  6. I think you really have the patience of Job! I see you grinning through that scowl. I have to call my former employer this morning, 'cuz I can't find the W-2 I know they sent me. Ugh!

  7. So done with below zero temps and staying indoors! I'm always cranky by February. Dang groundhog.

  8. I'm waiting for tax forms, too! Waiting and patience are not my strong suits.

  9. "Minnesota weather sucks" and were heading home in a couple of days.....:(

  10. Some of these people have no Idea what they're doing so couldn't get your card produced to save their soul. Sometimes we have to get a little cranky and then these people go to somebody who knows what to do. I always like to see your turkeys.

  11. I think your pretty darn nice!!
    You sure have some cold weather! You beat us out again and I am glad! That's too cold for me!

  12. Ah Connie found a little something unpleasant in your corn flakes this morning? LOL.

    Hang in there, it's going to warm up, get better, come through, and show up soon. Shall I send you some motivational/inspirational pins? Giggle....


  13. Cranky? You've got nothing on some of the old geezers around here! LOL! It's why I stick to myself. I thought by law they had to have those W2's postmarked by the 31st of January.
    Stay in, stay warm and love those turkeys!

    1. Yes that is correct, but the IRS will not take complaint s until Feb 15 just incase the Postal Service takes two weeks to deliver them

  14. I think you have every right to be cranky!!

    Linda ❤⊱彡

  15. If you were in Nashua, NH right now, Connie, you would surely be chillier and even more cranky as we had 12 more inches of snow on Monday, added to the 33.5 inches received last Tuesday. We were warm and comfy in our apt with no digging out worries and so we were not cranky at the weather. I DO know what you mean about some folks not doing their job as I had a couple of phone chats with folks like that recently.

  16. Oh I hear Ya Connie, same here. Cranky like a old crow.Francine.

  17. There is a time for Cranky.
    My tax forms are coming in. I guess by next week I should sit down and start the filing process. Ugh.

  18. We got ours on time, and we went to the Senior Center to have the AARP volunteers file our taxes for us electronically. It's the earliest we have ever had them done. If I had not had money withheld from our annuities, we would have had to pay this year. Not much, but something. Instead we get back a couple dollars. :-)

  19. Yup! If not by the 15th, turn them in. Like you said, why can't people just do their jobs.
    Only -1 over here this morning. ;)


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