Thursday, February 26, 2015

sNOw report

We don’t have much snow.  The snowstick shows four inches. A pitiful amount for us.

4 inches  at the snow syick

I took this photo late in the day yesterday February 25, 2015.

It is brutally cold.  The wind chills are between –25 F and –45 F recently.  No fun. We might not have much snow but what we have in cold makes up for it.   Many people have frozen waterlines and sewers.  Thankfully we have been spared…so far.


We have been staying home only going out with Chance and to feed the birds.

The deer have been coming in to eat the corn that we keep spread out for the rabbits and squirrels.

I am crocheting and doing some beadwork….working on another new bead design I thought up in the middle of the night.  Since finishing up winter cleaning the kitchen I haven’t started any other huge cleaning projects. 

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  1. The most inconvenient part of almost a foot of snow is what happens 10 days out -- the cycle of melt during the day and freezing again overnight causes a thick crust to form, and if one can't find "old footprints" to walk in then punching through the crust is just exhausting. Temps here during the day aren't nearly as cold as they are where you are but are still cold enough that huge piles of snow are not likely to melt anytime soon. I too was up at 4 a.m., wondering what the day will be like

  2. Yeah this hole winter thing is dragging me down:) Hug B

  3. For the shortest month of the year, this has transformed itself into the longest.

  4. I have already run out of winter projects and I rarely go outside as it is just too cold and icy. Stupid people in my area seem to think that shoveling their sidewalk is just too much trouble. So even when it warms up a little I can't go for a walk. Since March 1st is just around the corner, I'm hoping Spring is right behind. I think we all have had it very tough this year. Hang in there.

  5. We have been getting the opposite end of the winter, with warm days, lots of sun and no snow at all in the mountains. It's scary how different it is from what is normal around here, too. That cold weather is pretty awful where you are, and I'm hoping it will be over for you soon and I'll be looking at green things sprouting up. :-)

  6. Morning Connie, great not much snow, yet.... So cold here still, not much exciting happening here also. Lucky you have deer, I love them.Blessings Francine.

  7. Lovely picture...I'd be staying inside finding interesting things to do, for sure. Way too cold for me!

  8. Yeah, we have hardly any snow in our mountains......I'm thinking warm thoughts for you guys.

  9. I'm kind of glad for the lack of snow as shoveling it gets harder every year, but I'm so tired of the cold, too. I hope March is better for all of us.

  10. I'm getting antsy for stuff to do outside...soon, I hope, soon!

    Linda ♪♫❤

  11. All the world is up side down this year, but we have been tilting bad for a while.
    Can we blame even this weather on the government? I want to.

  12. More snow here then we have had over the years and thankfully the bitter cold hasn't done anything to pipes or lines here and it has been -35C with out the wind chill at times here the pipes and water mains everywhere are pretty well insulated against the cold . Lovely photos ! I get put at least once a day even if it is just to feed the birds and play with Miggs or on a brave note take her for a walk lol ! Come on spring I have had enough of winter now thank you ! Have a good day !

  13. Wow! I can't even think that low! With temps like that, Chance is lucky to get outside at all. Sure looks crisp, sunny and sparkly, though :)

    1. The older we get the less we like the cold. We used to laugh at Dad when he put on his big cap with the earflaps. Now we're doing the same thing.

  14. Brr! I'd be staying inside, too. Enjoy your downtime and crafting.

  15. Hope your pipes don't freeze. We got snow last night and I am so wanting Spring!

  16. Do you actually need the snow to help insulate the ground pipes?

    1. Yes snow is a great insulator! Luckily we always rake leaves over our septic tank and drain field. Our water pipes are 8 feet in the ground. We have never froze up but I would just as soon avoid that.

  17. You do need that snow for insulation, the pipes and the plants as well. This is not a good combination.

  18. Crazy winter weather. We aren't liking the cold down here, either! Stay warm and be safe. ♥

  19. It looks so pretty but lock yourself out of the house or fall and not be able to get up and it can turn deadly. I remember in Iowa an elderly gentleman went out to get his mail and fell.....they found him sad. You guys be least you have each other and Chance! But you're professionals having lived there all your life. Stay's usually in 50-60's here but it's been in the 20's. The faucets are dripping again here tonight.

  20. Such bitter cold, and for so long! As DJan said, we are beginning to worry about our lack of mountain snow and our early spring. Now the forecast is for a warmer and drier summer than normal. We may be burning up. Scarey.

  21. Stay in and stay warm- it can't last much longer!

  22. Your temps are brutal. We have had snow/ice but our temps are not nearly as cold as you. I've been catching up on reading this winter. Mildred

  23. Brrr - wind chills make for very cold weather! The view is nice though - what a great property you have.

  24. You can't do much else when it is so cold like that. Hope you don't lose any special plants with that lack of insulation, never mind frozen pipes or septic tanks....Wow:(

  25. Been a weird winter. We don't even have four inches of snow over here in Fargo. But we sure have had the cold and the wind chill warnings. March is right around the corner. That's such an anything goes month--LOL! Let's hope for ground cover or warmer weather. ;)

  26. My ambition is frozen along with the ground.

    Seven AM 20 degrees and two new inches of snow. This is Arkansas!

    Stay warm and create.


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