Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Moon

Wednesday morning I woke up as usual about 4 AM to go potty.  I looked out the window to see if I could see the moon…there it was with no clouds. Yeah me!!  I can take photos from the yard, I don’t even have to go away from all our trees.

I very quietly tried to extricate my tripod out of the closet…Far Guy said “Are you going out?” “ Well yes!”  “Wanna go?”  “Not really.”

I told Chance to give me a minute to chase small smelly creatures from the yard just incase any were traveling through.  I go out and bark and make lots of noise.  I let Chance out to do his thing and when his mission is complete I make him go back inside.  I didn’t need a skunk encounter to interrupt my photo session.

The eclipse is progressing

I watch as the moon is slowly covered.  A small plane is flying around…it is distracting.  I can hear a couple of cars out on the highway.  It is very quiet and the wind is not blowing!  Soon the door to the house opens and out come Chance and Far Guy…it seems Chance was crying…pathetically.  Chance ran over smelled the tripod greeted me and was ready to go back inside. Far Guy looked up and said “Well that’s cool, I just brought your dog out because he was upset.” It was 22 degrees F or –5 C eh. A tad chilly. I tried lots of different settings on my camera.

The stars were beautiful the air was crisp and clear.  If it had been a bit warmer I would have stayed out longer…next time I need a lawn chair and a warm quilt.

Best Moon shot Total eclipse

My best shot of the blood moon….during the total eclipse.  I got some stars too…or planets…bright objects.

It was fun to see, the next lunar events will take place in April and September of 2015.

My toes were cold, it might be time to get out my winter boots.  I made some hot chocolate and warmed up the corn bag so I would get all cozy warm and go back to sleep.

Did you see the lunar eclipse?  Have you tried to take photos of it? 

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  1. Awesome photos . It was cloudy here so I didn't get any photos of the blood moon . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  2. Those are some great photos. I was able to watch it from my front door - no clouds for a change. It was such a fantastic sight. Couldn't take pictures as the street light was too bright.

  3. Nice pictures! We had fog covering the entire sky so no blood moon pictures. I wouldn't have been awake anyway, but if it had been at 4:00am instead of 1, I might have been. :-)

  4. I forgot to look for it! Thanks for making it possible for me to sit here in my bathrobe and view it anyway!

  5. Morning Connie, missed the blood moon but thanks for sharing. Really great pictures you took, love that moon.Blessings Francine.

  6. Fabulous blood moon shot.

  7. Great shot of the blood moon....I didn't get out in time to see it here in Texas, and we had some clouds. I just saw a sliver of moon through the clouds.

  8. I forgot all about the eclipse until I saw everyone's photos on the web. Your photos are some of the best I've seen - nice capture!

  9. Awesome photo!! I wasn't able to see it since I was in the bottom of a valley with lots of trees around. Lucky you!

  10. Your shots turned out WAY better than mine! We ended up with high fuzzy clouds about the time it was totally in eclipse so none of my blood shots turned out - went back to bed for a grand total of 10 minutes before having to get up for work. Sigh. Next time! Nice job by the way!

  11. Nice captures! Didn't even know it was an eclipse until after the event, darn. We didn't get fog last night so the moon sure was lighting up the place.

  12. Good for you to get out at 4 AM and get some photos. I didn't look and I'm not sure that the eclipse happened here. I didn't see anything in our paper.

  13. Your photos turned out a lot better than mine. It was really beautiful again this morning and I had to go out and stand in the moonshine! Does that make me a lunar-tic?

  14. WOW! That is amazingly wonderful. We had clouds and a skud of dark but that was all!


  15. It makes me cold and nervous to think about you being out there alone and it 22 degrees! I love the pictures!

  16. I slept right through it. I love your shot of the rosy moon. Maybe I'll get out there next time. :)

  17. I didn't even know there was one--LOL! Love that blood moon!! You are intrepid, my dear. ;)

  18. We've both had "moon on the brain" lately...I was out in my pj's too but it was a bit warmer here. Yours turned out gorgeous....those are NASA material!

  19. I didn't even know there was going to be an eclipse :-(. The first time I've been sorry I stopped watching the news a few months ago. Sigh... Love that Far Guy and Chance came out :-).


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