Thursday, October 16, 2014

October Projects and Updates

Wednesday was a a busy day.  We were up early to make the trip to the dentist so that Far Guy could get his tooth filled.  It was horrible for him.  Since having his teeth cleaned last week and a filling this week his Trigeminal Neuralgia kicked into high is no fun to be him.  There is nothing I can do to make him feel better.  The pain just has to run it’s course and burn itself out.

The weather has been beautiful.

We washed all the windows upstairs.  Neither of us could recall if we did those windows last fall…Far Guy says he is sure he did the outsides… he usually does that part while I do the insides. For the life of me I cannot remember doing them.  This year I did them, cleaned the shades and vacuumed the drapes.

Out on the patio we sprayed a mixture of bleach and water onto the pavers.  Hopefully the bleach will clean the surfaces and kill the green stuff and maybe after a good rain they will be really clean.

Far Guy’s garage has been completely cleaned…what a project.  He said I should take a picture of it….a picture doesn’t say much if you don’t have a before.

I am off on an adventure today (Thursday) Jen needed company while she attends a conference…Noah is with Far Guy doing guy stuff and they have all the dogs. Andy is home with Adam who is sick with a cold and a cough.

There is a lake here… the weather is supposed to be nice.  I will try my camera in manual mode tomorrow…I have the whole day to practice.

We walked down to the lake last night…the stars are beautiful and the air smells of lake and leaves.  Jen asked “Mom do you ever miss the lake?”  “Yes” I replied “Sometimes I do.”


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  1. Have a wonderful adventure and take lots of pictures. Hope Far Guy feels better soon.

  2. Hi
    My sympathy to Far Guy with his pain after dental work. Hope he can get over this soon.

    Shirley H.

  3. I also hope FG is better soon. And I love that pretty picture. :-)

  4. I bet you do miss the lake sometimes. Hope Far Guy feels better soon!

  5. That shot of the flowers is lovely! Poor FG - hope he feels better soon.

  6. Which reminds me I'm the outside window guy and shes inside and it spose to be sunny today and....

  7. Healing thoughts to Far Guy. I think once having lived on the waterfront, it would be hard to live anywhere else! You are busy energetic people:)

  8. Looking forward to seeing your photos.

  9. Hope you enjoy your adventure. I think you have earned a day out!

  10. Teeth cleaning and filling are bad enough let alone have a complication that amplifies the pain. I've been assigned some of the bigger windows and there is a lot of supervision of my work.

  11. The flowers are beautiful. It sounds like a highly coordinated situation but it must have all worked. We have a good day and I am stuck inside.

  12. Sorry to hear about Far Guys pain. Enjoy your outing. Love the flowers, nice colour,Blessings Francine.

  13. I hope you had a wonderful outing and that FarGuy is better by now.
    After pics are still nice even if we forget the before pics. ;)


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