Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27, 2014

I have been saying “No” lots lately.  No I cannot spend a day at the museum dusting and cleaning…who was the idiot that thought the place needed to be cleaned for the winter when it wasn’t kept clean all summer?

“NO” I cannot go to an organizational meeting for a fundraiser…my husband went when the conversation turned to the number of homemade bars they would need for the third time…he left.  I would have left at the mention of Spaghetti…but that is just me.  I will donate something nice and help set up the silent auction with Far Guy.

I had a full plate with yard work and freaking leaves.   That so and so flu shot was no help to my mood whatsoever.  My arm turned hard as a rock and was it ever sore…my husband the military man said keep moving so it doesn’t stiffen up. Yeah right.  How do we even know if it is really a Flu shot anyways…maybe it is just water and everyone is getting ripped off.  I wanted to say “no” to that damn shot but I am elderly now and can be easily swayed by visions of death that isn’t peaceful.

A long time friend died last week, when her cancer was diagnosed it was so far gone that the end came suddenly for her…she was so lonely after her husband died last March that I can only feel happiness for her.  I am certain it is not the same feelings shared by her three sons…to lose both of their parents the same year must be heart wrenching for them.  Her death was described as peaceful. She and her husband had been married 47 years…they were kicked out of high school for running off and getting married.  Forever the rebels together again.


These are good looking Mums.  They are in great shape compared to the ones that sit just inside the door at Wally World and the grocery store.  Why in the world do they order plants and not water light special…dying Mums near the door.

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  1. I also have wondered about the dead pot of plants just inside the door at Wally World. I say a prayer over them (haha) every time I pass. I have never gotten a flu shot (even though I am over 65) in my life. Since I rarely get sick I just let my bodies natural immunities take over. I may be crazy for doing this but I just don't trust any of the drugs that are out their - too many bad side effects for most of them. Hope your arm feels better.

  2. Well, you ARE in a cranky mood! All those no's should help you get in the Halloween spirit. Do you have a broom yet? (I'm just kidding.) And I do feel sorry for the sons of those who died so quickly. A friend of mine had both his parents die within 17 hours of each other, just a few weeks ago. Sometimes it's a blessing when they are so close.

  3. I love your friend and her husband, RIP. There's no doubt they would be lost without each other. I recently said "no" to running for the church council. There are 1500 members in our church...time to find someone just a bit younger! Three year commitment...really?

    1. Volunteers are very had to find these days. It's too easy to sit in the house and watch TV I think. I enjoy volunteering.

  4. Saying no is one of the basics of volunteering. Sometimes I get in over my head and have to back away to maintain sanity.

  5. Sometimes it takes us a while to learn to say 'no', but sounds like you have reached that point. Me too, pretty well. Hope your arm sorts itself out quickly. No flu shot for me either, I'm with Linda:)

  6. No is a wonderful word. Sometimes I am good at saying it, Sometimes, I'm not.

  7. Afternoon, I say that n word pretty good myself, it is ok. blessings Francine.

  8. The same plants are being watered in the store here either. I find that really odd. Why don't they just throw some silk flower pots there and call it good.

  9. I commented on the plants in the last post....I'm so goofy. So sorry about your friend and I lost my folks with 9 months of each other and as an only child it was tough but we all go through it and I was glad neither "lingered".
    They say people that live alone die because there's no one to call 911. That's fine with me. I have no intention of being whisked off to "save" my life by tests, and invasive procedures and long stays in the hospital and operations. When it's time I want to lingering and grasping for time. My Mother used to say she was ready any time and I agree with her. I love my life but I'm sure I'll love the next one too. Death has never bothered me except the suffering some go through on their way there. I'm not into suffering for me or anyone else.

  10. Sometimes it feels good to say no, no, and no! The hubby refuses to get the flu shot, he usually ends up sick anyhow. I might and might not get it. It all depends. I am usually the last one to ever get sick.

  11. No can be a very good word at times. It has saved me many a great hassles !

  12. When I retired, I not only said, "No," but did absolutely nothing volunteer at all. You are like me in the sense we give it our all - - whatever job or project we are doing. We know how much energy and time it will take to do something. I gave so much to work and ministry positions that my family came second - - a LOT! Now they are first again - - - and finally after a year and a half after retirement, I just started teaching at church again - - the two year olds on Sunday night. They are soooooo much fun. I probably about burned myself out - - but evidently there are a few embers left. However, I am NOT spreading this fire thin again!
    My flu shot made my arm sore, too! Almost as much as Tetanus. It better work! I am not up for sick this year.

  13. Those mums are thriving! Cute planter container, too!

  14. Wally World could care less about living things. As for you, only do what you want to's so worth it.

  15. Love your post! When you write one like this, I want to get in the car and go to Wally World while I'm good and fired up. :) Once I asked if there was anyone there who could take a minute and water the dry dying plants. Your mums are beautiful. Sorry about your friend's death. Losing both parents so close together would be hard.

  16. You should be able to do just what makes you happy. Life is short. Just say no. ;)

  17. You broke my heart with sweet sadness...forever the rebels..



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