Monday, December 23, 2013

Shiny Brite Tree

The Shiny Brite tree has been done a few days.  I finally had time to take some photos of it.

It is a huge project…I suppose mostly because it is a huge tree.

It takes a few days to decorate.  I love the way the Shiny Brites catch the light.

Shiny Brite Tree and Chance

Chance was getting a tad bored with me, this is his best shot in between yawns.

Shiny Brite Tree 2013

Shiny Brite Tree 2013

Oh ya, this is a confession of a Shiny Brite hoarder.  They are hidden everywhere upstairs, in the tree coffin, in the trunk, in the drawers. I think and I stress think there are just about 500 of them …maybe more. That is a lot of blown glass ornaments to keep safe.

I collect Shiny Brites, Polish and German Ornaments.  This is an ornament made in Germany and it is marked as such.  I think it was part of a set.  I have one other ornament just like this one but a different color.  I found this one in a high end antique shop where they didn’t know the value of their ornaments.  It was in a bowl of ornaments marked $4.00 each.  This was the only really old ornament in the entire bowl.  I even asked for a magnifying glass to give it a good once over…they asked whatever are you looking for?  I was looking for in very tiny letters Germany.

IMG_5138I am pleased as punch to add it to my collection.  It’s value would be $25 to $60 depending on condition.  It was  a good buy. $4.00 is the most I have spent for one ornament.  I find most of the old ornaments at garage or estate sales…and I love it when they are in their original boxes.

This tree is one of my guilty pleasures.  After Christmas I hope to have a few gals over who appreciate the old Shiny Brites as much as I do.

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  1. It is such a lovely tree and I look forward to you sharing photos each Christmas. Chance looks so handsome! I love the story you shared about the $4 ornament - great find!

  2. It's a beautiful tree, and I simply adore it every year. I am glad you are a hoarder of Shiny Brites! :-)

  3. Shiny Brights are great! I have a smaller tree and will be organizing my Shiny Brights this year. Became disorganized in the move. So I will set up a tree and begin putting all of my Shiny Brights right next to it. I'm already looking forward to next year. : )

  4. The tree is lovely - how I'd love to see it in person to admire the ornaments one by one.

  5. Ohhhhhhh!!!! very nice, love that ornament so, what a steal.....Beautiful Shiny Brite tree Connie, love the picture of Chance, precious, Blessings Francine.

  6. Merry Christmas Chance, I hope you get lots of balls to chase and treats to gnaw on from Santa Paws!

  7. Beautiful tree. Will it still be up next May? :)

  8. That is a great picture of Chance and the tree:) I feel like I have seen those pine cone ornaments, but maybe they were cheap copies. Where on them would you find 'Germany'? I give you lots of credit for putting up two trees!
    Hoping the pony arrives today....

    1. I hope the pony arrives too..darn the mail is slow.
      It is a fish and the metal cap/top has Germany Imprinted in tiny letters.

    2. Oops, I feel silly. On second glance of course it is a fish:) I only looked at the top half of it and it made me think of some kind of pine cone ones I've seen, but then maybe they were fish too:)

  9. Thank you for sharing the beautiful tree and Shiny Brites! It is a huge tree and just stunning! Certainly adds to the Christmas spirit!

  10. Thank you for sharing a picture of your Shiny Brite tree with us. It is gorgeous. I remember my parents having an ornament similar to the German one you pictured.

  11. I, too, love your tree! I need my glasses changed - I thought your $4.00 buy was a fish. Whatever it is, it's beautiful.

  12. Your enthusiasm for Christmas decorating amazes me! You also get a lot of satisfaction from collecting.

  13. Wow. WOW! It was worth waiting to see. And so exciting to find the bargain one. You've given me hope of finding more myself.

  14. ou kept mentioning your Shiny Brite tree but I had no idea what you were talking about. Now I see! This is a wonderful collection! And a beautiful tree!

  15. With a collection like that, it is a good thing you don't live in earthquake country :)

    Merry Christmas to you and your entire family, Far Side! Thanks for a wonderful year of sharing stories from your corner of the world.

  16. I think I remember some fish ornaments when I was growing up. No clue where they came from or what happened to them.

    Chance looks very bored. But he does look good in front of the Shiny Brite tree. Merry Christmas! ♥

  17. Score!!! You do have a good eye for a bargain. Your Shiny Bright tree is fantastic, and such an important part of your Christmas decor!! Merry Christmas, and I hope Santa is extra good to Chance!!

  18. It's beautiful! And big! Is that the third tree you have decorated? Hope you and your family have a merry Christmas!

    1. Only two..the other tree I took photos of was my daughters...the one with all three dogs:)

  19. Love all your shiny brites! I see it takes a big tree to hold them all!
    Chance does look a tad bored with you. :0)
    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  20. I love your shiny brights!!! Glad to see you indulge yourself!! We should…

  21. Beautiful ! Love the photo of Chance ! Have a Very Merry Christmas !

  22. The tree is just beautiful! I also think the photo of Chance is good enough you could use it for a card!! Merry Christmas FarSide and FarGuy!
    ¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪Merry Christmas ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

  23. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday. This sure is a lovely tree!

  24. It is a big beautiful tree and the ornaments really look great on it. That was a lot of time and effort and the results were wonderful.


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