Monday, December 2, 2013

Turkey Escape

A few turkeys have escaped the Thanksgiving fate of their not so lucky relatives.

We had a turkey jam. 

Turkey Jam Dec 01

I counted 28 and Far Guy said there were about 30.  Someone must be feeding them.  They have not been to our place..yet.

As you can see we have very little snow, but that is due to change with three storm systems moving through that will give us a one two three punch and then plunge us into sub zero temperatures.  Uffda  12 to 14 inches of snow is forecast.  The snow stick will tell the real story.


The turkeys are probably grouping up before the storm.  They were in no hurry to move off the road even after Chance barked at them.

I have packed the vehicles with the winter survival gear, it is your basic coffee can with a tin can and candles, commercial hand warmers that will last up to ten hours, matches, a few high energy snacks and extra mittens. Since we live kinda in the boonies we always leave home with parkas, hats and boots…and Chance has his own coat!  Cross another thing off the list!

Gift count: two.  Gifts wrapped: none.  Cookies made : none. Cards written: none.  Home made ornaments: Complete!  Home made gifts: in progress.  23 days and counting.

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  1. Wow!!!! those are a lot of turkeys, we have about 10 wondering around.......Nothing crossed off my list yet either, Francine.

  2. I'm sure glad I don't have a list like yours, or I would be feeling pretty glum. Can I come down and eat some of your cookies when you get them baked? :-)

  3. I have never seen that many wild turkeys together! How did I miss your post "Grinch Like". I am not a shopper either. I hate it! But I do love the Christmas music, over and over again! :) Love your posts!

  4. I like your Christmas Countdown - - an inspiration to me. I got the tree out of the box - - new one this year - - and the handle on one of the screw bolts for the stand hits the leg when you twist it so I have to go by a hardware store first before I can put the tree up!!! Bad engineering. However, the first gift gets given today - - to our pest control man - - - good, good guy who does a phenomenal job.
    I also read your blog with the grandkids pics. They are an extremely good looking bunch and look like they enjoy each other's company. I have followed you for a very few years now and have enjoyed watching them grow. Will you be doing some comparison blogs on them sometime with then and now pics?
    One thing, too, about your weather is it definitely puts our cold days in perspective!

  5. I also enjoy your great photos and the number of turkeys together is amazing. Could you hear them or were they quiet? Thank you for such an interesting blog, I have read it for a long time. The car winter survival gear is a good idea.

  6. Awesome shot of the turkeys!! I have made no cookies but I have put out decorations and addressed a few cards.

  7. When we leave home in the winter, I always wear or have with me, clothing that would be appropriate to walk in, in case we go in the ditch. Normally, we wouldn't have to worry about survival gear, as we wouldn't be driving in really bad weather in the first place, and the nearest house is never far away. If we decide to drive to Oliver, we wait for a break in the weather, and do carry appropriate supplies.
    The turkeys are great, and not something we see here:)

  8. The same storm system is due here by mid-week. The high on Wednesday is predicted to be 1 F; the predicted low -14 F. After that, I am sure the cold will settle in the valley (an inversion) for days.

  9. Have never seen to many Turkeys at one time! We have them around here, but never get to see them in the woods. Most of the time, I just hear them. They are always a pleasure to see.

  10. Ah yes Christmas. We haven't started and don't have lists. I think the list thing is a good thing. I still have a backyard gate to get fixed and this will be our last warm day to get it done. We have a few turkeys running wild up here but not like they do in southern Iowa. We have huge flocks of Canadas in the area resting before they move on farther south.

  11. Oh look at all those suppers crossing the road lol ! Our temps have been damp mild yet chilly and oh so gloomy today hoping for some sunshine soon ! Great idea to pack survival kits for the storms hope the storms die down and aren't as bad as they predict ! Love your header ! Thanks for sharing . be safe and have a good day !

  12. This is shaping up to my my umpty-umpth year of not sending Christmas cards. "They say" to make the holidays less stressful by eliminating some activities, and that was first to go. Maybe next year....

  13. I love the holidays now but there were times when I didn't...but now I realize I did it to myself and I don't do it anymore! I might buy a book or 2 for the the grands but other than that it's handmade items and they might not get them exactly on Christmas either! LOL! But since I removed all the pressure I put on myself I have a wonderful time of it!

  14. And we're going to be in the 80's this week. Crazy.
    Be safe!

  15. Oh, ugh about the snow and cold.
    LOL about the turkeys. Yesterday they had a wonderful story about a wild turkey gone rogue on NPR. It was quite amusing!
    Stay warm!

  16. Inspired by your adventure kits, I looked after that in our vehicles yesterday. Although we live just minutes from town, it can be cold if you are waiting out there. Great idea.

    You have turkeys, we have quail...around the same numbers.


  17. Run turkeys run! ;-)

  18. I wish we had wild turkey's here. One of our daughter's turkey will be our Christmas dinner... he weighed in at 65 pounds...a stunning amount to cook.

  19. We were happy to see a big flock on the day after Thanksgiving, too. Now if they can just make it through Christmas .... They are good at cleaning up under the bird feeders.

  20. Look at all those Turkeys! No turkeys in Alaska except the grocery stores!

  21. Turkeys always surprise me, somehow, with how large they are. That's a big rafter of turkeys! (I just googled that--lol!) We got the snowstorm here in Fargo, as I'm sure descended upon you guys, too. :)


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